木雞蛋 wood Egg(H-008-4), 詩書坊

NT$70 NT$50

木雞蛋 wood Egg(H-008-4)

木雞蛋 wood Egg(H-008-4)


wood Egg




From wood crafts and kitchen play to felting and seasonal celebrations,
we've found these wood eggs useful for so many things! They are just the
size of a hen's egg so fit perfectly in an empty egg carton. You can felt
around one, allow it to dry then cut the mid-section to remove the egg and
you have a wooly egg-shaped vessel. Decorate eggs with pressed-on
Stockmar Decorating Wax, Beeswax Crayons or Soy Paint. Play
matching games with Painted Egg Cups and Eggs. Unfinished eggs
can be protected with our Three BEEautiful Bees Polish
Ages 6 and up.

尺寸  高6CM,直徑 4.4CM (和實際雞蛋大小雷同)。
備註   此為一個的價格。(新版的比舊版略小一點)

1 x 木-大雪人(H-005-SNT)
1 x Stockmar-12色蠟筆(紙盒)
1 x The Art of Colour and the Human Form
1 x 繪本 : 好夢寶貝C-小魔怪(4冊)(簡體書)
1 x 大天使(片)(H-008-18)
1 x 段染毛線組(8顆)
1 x 羊毛氈色鉛筆袋(淺咖啡色)
1 x Sleep
1 x Colour Dynamics II
1 x 孩子你慢慢長大-幼兒篇(簡體書)
1 x 太陽蜂巢
1 x 蘑菇手工藤編籃子
1 x A Life with Colour
1 x Making Waldorf Crafts
1 x 認識真正的自己(簡體)
1 x 進口娃娃頭髮(捲髮款)(50G)(H-016)
1 x Making Fairy Folk
1 x Eurythmy for the Elementary Grades
1 x 自閉症譜系障礙-理解與日常實踐
1 x 寫給華德福家長的信(卷一~三)
1 x Goethe's Faust in the Light of Anthroposophy
1 x 彈性繃帶-2吋寛(碼)(H-057)
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)50*70cm(亮面11色)(H-127-2)
1 x Inner Reading and Inner Hearing
1 x 彈性繃帶-2又1/4"吋寛(碼)(H-057-2)
1 x Beauty Mmory Unity
1 x 異位性皮膚炎,21世紀流行病的真相與治療
1 x 鋼筆卡式 墨水管/10支
1 x Let's Dance and Sing!(WECAN版)
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-可可色(一碼)
1 x 找回自己內在的醫生
1 x 病是教養出來的 1:孩子的四種氣質
1 x 色彩有個性:人智學色彩經驗方法學的獻禮(上冊)
1 x 聆聽中的人 從醫學談音樂實質
1 x Stockmar 8色蠟筆(鐵盒)- 基本配色
1 x Festivals of the Year
1 x Intuition
1 x 蠟磚蠟筆袋(粉色)F-009
1 x 律動按摩
1 x S 綠鋼筆(1.1mm)/含 7支墨水管
1 x Autobiography預訂
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)16*16cm(亮面5色)(H-128)
1 x 捉迷藏
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-蜜桃色(半碼)
1 x Mindfulness and Reverence
1 x Rainbows, Halos, Dawn, and Dusk
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)50*70cm(亮面11色各1)(H-127-3)
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-膚色(Tan)(一碼)
1 x 色鉛筆袋F-007
1 x Pearls of Thought
1 x Illness and Therapy
1 x 彈性繃帶-3吋 寛/碼
1 x 世界歷史中道之推動
1 x Awakening Intelligence
1 x 小黑板(H-134)
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)22*22cm(亮面11色)(H-127-1)
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-膚色(Tan)(五碼)
1 x 彈性繃帶-2又1/2吋寛(碼)(H-057-3)
1 x Games Children Play
1 x Naming
1 x 病是教養出來的 4 : 你有所不知的創傷與學習困難
1 x 蠟磚蠟筆袋(橘色)(F-008)
1 x A Lifetime of Joy
1 x 羊毛氈色鉛筆袋(深咖啡色)
1 x Movement for the Young Child
1 x 彈性繃帶- 5/8吋寛(碼)(H-061)
1 x 蠟磚蠟筆袋(灰紫色)F-009
1 x Mystery of the Universe
1 x MERCURIUS 彩色粉筆(12色)
1 x 窗花紙(日本絲綢紙)16*16cm (20色共240張)(H-126)
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-蜜桃色(一碼)H-012
1 x 彈性繃帶-1又1/8"吋寛(碼)(H-058-1)
1 x An Illustrated Treasury of Swedish Folk and Fairy Tales
1 x Child's Play 3
1 x 華德福學校一二年級的數學課
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-膚色(Blush)(五碼)
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-有機棉Fair(一碼)(H-077-3)
1 x 糖-嗜甜成癮
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-咖啡色(半碼)預訂
1 x 彈性繃帶- 7/8吋寛(碼)(H-060)
1 x Let's Dance and Sing : Story Games for Children
1 x More Lifeways
1 x A Waldorf Approach to Coaching Team Sports-預訂
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-可可色(五碼)
1 x 病是教養出來的 3 : 十二感官之初階感官
1 x 人智醫學及其療癒方法
1 x At the Rainbow Puppet Theatre of the Constantia Waldorf School
1 x 這樣吃,人生大混亂:你從來不知道的食物力
1 x 蠟磚蠟筆袋(藍色)(F-008)
1 x More Radiant than the Sun
1 x Dancing Hand, Trotting Pony
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)16*16cm(亮面11色)(H-127)
1 x 彈性繃帶-1又1/2"吋寛(碼)(H-058)
1 x A Gift of Wonder
1 x 窗花紙(日本絲綢)24*24cm (20色共240張)(H-126-1)
1 x Let’s Talk, Let’s Play
1 x Enlarge Physical Education and Movement in Waldorf Schools Enlar
1 x Earth, Water, Fire, and Air-新版
1 x 命中註定的疾病 / 我的病和我有什麼關係?
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