Drawing from the Book of Nature, 詩書坊

NT$1,400 NT$780

Drawing from the Book of Nature

Drawing from the Book of Nature

Dennis Klocek


When students are given fixed and finalized abstractions from
the beginning, they do not have to use their own inner forces
to overcome the resistance of the world to arrive at truth or to
create beauty. The result is that their inner pictures are devoid
of life. 

To arrive at a truth or to create beauty that reflects the order
and harmony of the Creator, we must always begin humbly,
in ignorance and ugliness. By striving out of ignorance and
ugliness toward the true and beautiful, both scientists and artists
can bring new, creative forces into the world. Neither memorizing
data nor copying a beautiful drawing engages the true imagination
of students as it is by drawing a flower from life. It is precisely this
lack of an active, striving inner creativity that can result in the
frequently overwhelming feelings of anxiety and alienation
experienced by so many people today. As a counterbalance,
education must—in all areas of knowledge—increasingly focus
on the personal creation of what, through its beauty, speaks truth
and through its truth radiates beauty. 

Drawing from the Book of Nature is about both drawing and the
natural world of plants and animals. It is a valuable resource for
teachers, students, and anyone who wants to develop a capacity
for artistic observation of natural phenomena.

Dennis Klocek provides a refreshing combination of depth and clarity,
offering a wealth of insight into the lives that constitute living nature.
The text is supported by easy-to-follow lessons that help the reader
bring the kingdoms of nature to life on paper. This book is a resource
through which teachers, students, and others can find their own way
toward reuniting with beauty and truth.

頁數 148頁(改版為平裝,故售價降低)
備註  ISBN: 978-0-945803-02-7

1 x 糖-嗜甜成癮
1 x 象護之旅
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1 x Crafts through the Year
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1 x Stockmar 8色蠟筆(鐵盒)- 基本配色
1 x Autobiography預訂
1 x Baking Bread with Children
1 x 小黑板(H-134)
1 x 超越生死門
1 x 特價 /德國stockmar天然蜂蜜蠟土(單色/15片裝)
2 x 經典中醫精要:傳承自黃帝內經的天人合一養生觀
1 x The Children's Year
1 x 特價-6色天然蜂蜜蠟土
1 x Mathematics Lessons for the Sixth Grade
1 x 補正教育
1 x Form Drawing and Colouring for Fun, Healing and Wellbeing
1 x 新世紀農耕
1 x Stockmar-16色蠟磚(鐵盒)
1 x Colour, Healing, and the Human Soul
1 x 明日的農場
1 x 一到四年級華德福幾何學教育的形線畫
1 x Blessed by Illness
1 x 讓光叫醒我
1 x 人智學世界觀-生機互動農法導論
1 x A Guide to Child Health(第四版)
1 x Dragon Baked Bread
1 x A Lifetime of Joy
1 x 蝶兒手提包
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (03號-橘)
1 x 一釐米人智學季刊 / 第 10 期(夏季號)
1 x As My Heart Awakes
1 x 神智學─人類生命暨宇宙中靈性歷程之介紹
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1 x 向大自然學習智慧-與瑪特拉的52日神秘之旅(簡體書)
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1 x 人智學和華德福教育-三部曲之三(簡體書)
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1 x 人的解讀(簡體書)
1 x 心花朵朵手提包
1 x An Artist's Book of Inspiration
1 x Naming
1 x How to make nuno felt:羊毛氈創作集
1 x Color:Its Relationship to Soul and Spirit
1 x 人智醫學及其療癒方法
1 x 優律思美—時間與空間的藝術 紀念專刊
1 x Basic Sculptural Modeling
1 x 人哲11期-教育與建築(BC-065)
1 x More Lifeways
1 x Colour(By Ueli Seiler-Hugova)
1 x A Swedish Christmas
1 x 0-7歲華德福教育:培育懂得愛、欣賞美、愛閱讀、身心健康的快樂孩子
1 x The Genius of Natural Childhood-預訂
1 x Art and Human Consciousness
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