Rudolf Steiner, Life and Work(預訂), 詩書坊


Rudolf Steiner, Life and Work(預訂)

Rudolf Steiner, Life and Work(預訂)

SteinerBooks, Inc, 2014

"This biography does not aim for completeness, 
but focuses on Rudolf Steiner's being, intentions, 
and journey-aspects that must not be obliterated 
by the many events, foundations, and people involved 
with Anthroposophy.... It wants to convey 
(to quote Emil Leinhas) 'the immense greatness and 
unique significance of this individuality who radiates 
out over the centuries.'" -Peter Selg (from the introduction) 
To acknowledge and understand Rudolf Steiner's 
unique achievement and life's work, one must be able to
accept that the founder and spiritual researcher of 
Anthroposophy was "a citizen of two worlds": 
the spiritual and the physical. 
Anthroposophy teaches that this duality, rather than 
being a quality reserved for special individualities, 
is inherent to human nature. According to Rudolf Steiner, 
it is a central aspect of being human, 
even in times when the suprasensory aspect of humanity 
is eclipsed (for ordinary day consciousness) and 
almost eliminated by certain civilizations. 
The interest in Rudolf Steiner's person and essence, 
in his attitude toward life and work, will continue to grow in 
the decades and centuries that lie ahead, both within 
and outside the anthroposophical movement. 
It will take hold of entirely different groups of people, 
including those who come with spiritual questions or 
discover them in times of need. Rudolf Steiner's work 
grew to be "one unique effort of bringing courage to 
human beings" (Michael Bauer). This is the first of 
seven comprehensive volumes on Rudolf Steiner's "being, 
intentions, and journey." It presents Rudolf Steiner from 
childhood and youth through his doctorate degree and 
up to the time of his work for the Goethe Archives as 
editor of Goethe's scientific writings. By considering 
his formative years in depth, we come to understand 
better the roots and development of Rudolf Steiner's 
later spiritual research and teachings.

286 pages


paperback/ ISBN-13: 9781621480822

Publication Year : 2014,平裝書(Softcover)
1 x 白色羊毛氈布(小)(H-136)
1 x [二手]我的雅致小扁包
1 x 四種氣質類型指南-認識,解讀,預判人的心理和行為(簡)
1 x 根的孩子(繪本)
1 x 性教育與靈性
1 x 星星的孩子,星星的詩(簡體)
1 x 小靈魂與地球(中英雙語版)
1 x 病是教養出來的 4 : 你有所不知的創傷與學習困難
1 x Touched
2 x 華德福教育-頭腦、心靈、與雙手的培育(MC-012)
1 x 原木溜溜球(H-119)
1 x 什麼是人智學(簡體書)
1 x BD學者Dennis Klocek談BD(B-306)
1 x 羊毛條/長纖美麗諾 B /-80g(水洗用)
1 x 蠟磚蠟筆袋(粉色)F-009
1 x 木製竹蜻蜓(H-118)
2 x 心連心.親子情
2 x 為孩子說故事
1 x LYRA WALDORF 單色鉛筆(no.:29-粉紅)
1 x 你也可以成為故事高手(簡體書)
1 x Play On ! 直笛、其他管樂器 在華德福音樂教育的運用
1 x 娃娃家-21件家具組(T-011)
1 x 探索聽覺教育之路-華德福音樂課程及養成之路
1 x 羊毛條/森林色系/ - 100g
1 x 娃娃藤籃(大)(H-141)
1 x 神智學─人類生命暨宇宙中靈性歷程之介紹
1 x 一釐米人智學季刊 / 第 10 期(夏季號)
2 x 自由的哲學‧從自然科學通往靈性覺醒的奧秘:人智學開創大師一生最重要的思想經典
1 x 精神健康中醫講堂:心身醫學與形、氣、神的自我調理精要
1 x MERCURIUS 彩色粉筆(16色)
1 x 兒童的花園(簡)
2 x 02-善、美、真的學校-華德福教育入門
1 x A Student's Workbook for Mathematics in Class 7
1 x 小魚刺繡包
2 x 十二感官:應用篇
1 x LYRA WALDORF 單色鉛筆(no.:67-湖水綠)
1 x 小黃鳥
2 x The Donkey's Dream(驢子的夢)
1 x LYRA WALDORF 單色鉛筆(no.:01白色)
2 x 秘修學徒的高等靈性修練法門
1 x 如詩般的植物課(原植物再版)
1 x 四月的季節-如何以另類教法教育出一位出色的孩子
1 x Finger Strings
1 x 你是孩子的第一任老師(簡體版)
1 x 姆指琴(CH-008)
1 x 媽媽 我來了
2 x 生命傳記:建立個人傳記或故事敍寫的練習本
1 x 小彼特的藍莓森林歷險(繪本)
1 x 都是從藍開始
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)50*70cm(亮面11色各1)(H-127-3)
1 x 冥思手記
1 x 窗花紙(日本絲綢紙)16*16cm (20色共240張)(H-126)
1 x 人哲11期-教育與建築(BC-065)
1 x LYRA WALDORF 單色鉛筆(no.:46-淺藍)
1 x Stockmar-16色蠟磚(鐵盒)
1 x 戲入人心-中小學戲劇教學實務(簡)
2 x 09-認識更高層的世界
2 x 粉紅愛心
1 x 人類與動物的研究-四至六年級主課程(BC-144)
1 x 你不是孤單一個人(簡體書)
2 x 象護之旅
1 x 治療教育課程
1 x 濕水彩畫架組(4層)
1 x 歷史教學手冊(BC-207)
1 x 藍染印花多層次收納包
1 x LYRA WALDORF 12色華德福色鉛筆
2 x 生機互動農法基礎原則 – 形式之門的奧秘
2 x 人如何動?
1 x 巧手染-彩虹亮光絲綢披風(H-101)
2 x 佑竹老師繪本組(象護之旅,聽星星在唱歌,媽媽我來了)
1 x LYRA WALDORF 6色華德福精選色鉛筆
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)50*70cm(亮面11色)(H-127-2)
2 x 能量醫療
1 x 找到內在的平衡--人智學心魂鍛鍊20個練習(套組)
1 x 我是小白兔
1 x 蝶谷巴特拼貼材料包-筆袋款
1 x 華德福的學前教育
1 x 華德福學校三年級的數學課
1 x 讓孩子與數學真實相遇 / 華德福數學課程
1 x 實用教學指引
1 x 華德福教師教學手冊
1 x 基督宗教的奧秘事實
1 x Dancing as We Sing(含CD)(B-003)
2 x 移動中的平衡
1 x 生物動力學原理(簡體書)
1 x Transformational Teaching
2 x 色彩精靈
1 x 阿傻的無猜世界
1 x 11-內在感官~人智學啟迪下的感官探索
1 x I Am Different from You
1 x 營養
1 x 05-幼兒的工作與遊戲
1 x 行星的作用以及人與地球的生命過程
1 x Let Us Form a Ring(+CD)(B-027)
1 x Adventures in Steiner Education
1 x Making Waldorf Crafts
1 x Making Fairy Folk
1 x 經典中醫精要:傳承自黃帝內經的天人合一養生觀
1 x 羊毛氈色鉛筆袋(淺咖啡色)
1 x Pentatonic Delight Songbook
1 x 蜜蜂
1 x Kindergarten Education
1 x Books for the Journey - A Guide to the World of Reading
1 x 行星對植物的影響(BC-154)(簡體書)
1 x A Grand Metamorphosis
1 x Earth Water Fire Air(含 CD)
1 x angels
1 x Plato's Dialogues
1 x Theosophy
1 x 太陽蜂巢
1 x 請讓我慢慢長大
1 x Nokken: A Garden for Children
1 x 茶(繪本)
1 x 生機互動果園
1 x 蘑菇手工藤編籃子
1 x Spindrift
1 x 榮格與史坦納: 靈性心理學的曙光
1 x Waldorf Education - A Family Guide
1 x 生物動力學手冊(簡)
1 x 視覺與生命
1 x 數學也可以這樣學2:跟大自然學幾何
1 x Lavender's Blue Dilly Dilly
1 x Seven Times the Sun
1 x 進口娃娃頭髮(捲髮款)(50G)(H-016)
1 x 十二感官:如何用健康的感官提升靈性
1 x 認識真正的自己(簡體)
1 x Come Follow Me Vol.2 CD
1 x 03-日本華德福幼稚園
1 x 01-教育的藝術-再版到書
1 x 小靈魂與太陽(中英雙語版)
1 x 教孩子讀懂文學的19堂課
1 x Goethean Science
1 x Cante, cante, elefante! Sing, Sing, Elephant!
1 x Come Follow Me CD
2 x 光的小孩
1 x 雪是誰的?
1 x A Life with Colour
1 x 數學也可以這樣學
1 x 新世紀農耕
1 x 充滿生命的食物(BC-128)(簡體書)
1 x 社會理解及全觀性別與性教育
1 x Music Through the Grades in the Light of the Developing Child
1 x 讓光叫醒我
1 x 心魂週曆圖卡版
1 x 華德福枕頭娃娃
1 x Grandfather Twilight(黃昏爺爺)
1 x 家的三角形~父母與孩子的家庭課題
1 x Games Children Sing and Play
1 x 性別、愛與伴侶關係
1 x Autumn Songbook
1 x Sexual Abuse of Children: Understanding, Prevention, and Treatme
1 x When the Sun Rose(當太陽像玫瑰一樣昇起)
1 x 靈性科學入門
1 x Sleep Baby Sleep
1 x Colour Dynamics II
1 x 00-邁向自由的教育
1 x Singing and the Etheric Tone
1 x 清潔--照顧空間與人的需要
1 x 超越生死門
1 x 天使/精靈木人-#21A(W-003)
1 x Windows into Waldorf: An Introduction to W Ed
1 x Mood of the Fifth
2 x 聽星星在唱歌
1 x 人智學世界觀-生機互動農法導論
1 x I Love to Be Me
1 x 華德福學校的精神
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