Earth, Water, Fire, and Air-新版, 詩書坊


Earth, Water, Fire, and Air-新版

Earth, Water, Fire, and Air-新版
出版社 Floris Books

Children are drawn instinctively to play with the elements
of water, air, fire, and earth. This book shows how to
encourage and develop this tendency in children. Written
primarily for parents and teachers, it describes the
construction of many toys and projects with easy-to-follow
instructions, diagrams, and photographs. The projects in
this book also encourage older and younger children to
play together and create in a healthy and constructive way.

Earth, Water, Fire, and Air shows how to make a paddle-wheel
 boats (like the one at right), a propeller plane, parachutes,
windmills, spinning tops, a little hot-air carousel, a hot-air
balloon, and much more. While some suggestions are simple
enough for six-year-olds, others are challenging enough for a
skillful twelve-year-old.

頁數 120
備註   ISBN:9780863157684

1 x Inner Reading and Inner Hearing
1 x 靈性科學入門
1 x Metamorphoses of Light
1 x 能量醫療
1 x 十二感官:應用篇
1 x Beauty Mmory Unity
1 x Mindfulness and Reverence
1 x Stockmar-12色蠟筆(紙盒)
1 x Lifeways
1 x Raphael's Madonnas-Images for the Soul預訂
1 x When the Sun Rose(當太陽像玫瑰一樣昇起)
1 x 十二感官:如何用健康的感官提升靈性
1 x 簡單父母經:現代父母養育子女必備經典
1 x Illness and Therapy
1 x 特價-6色天然水彩
1 x Rainbows, Halos, Dawn, and Dusk
1 x 四月的季節-如何以另類教法教育出一位出色的孩子
1 x 新世紀農耕
1 x Stockmar 8色蠟筆(鐵盒)- 基本配色
1 x Intuition
1 x Grandfather Twilight(黃昏爺爺)
1 x An Illustrated Treasury of Swedish Folk and Fairy Tales
1 x 心連心.親子情
2 x Goethe's Faust in the Light of Anthroposophy
1 x More Radiant than the Sun
1 x Mystery of the Universe
1 x Stockmar-16色蠟磚(鐵盒)
1 x Stockmar-8色蠟磚(主色,鐵盒)
1 x Autobiography預訂
1 x The Arts and Their Mission (CW 276)
1 x At the Rainbow Puppet Theatre of the Constantia Waldorf School
1 x Awakening Intelligence
1 x Games Children Play
1 x A Lifetime of Joy
1 x Astronomy for Young and Old
1 x Dancing Hand, Trotting Pony
1 x Let's Dance and Sing!(WECAN版)
1 x Gymnastic Education
1 x Eurythmy for the Elementary Grades
1 x All Year Round
1 x Let’s Talk, Let’s Play
1 x Let's Dance and Sing : Story Games for Children
1 x Anthroposophy and Science
1 x The Children's Forest
1 x Meditations for Times of Day and Seasons of the Year
1 x Understanding Healing
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