Architecture, 詩書坊



出版社 Rudolf Steiner Edited by Andrew Beard 

Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern
times,contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to
his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of
many practical activities including education—both general and special
—agriculture, medicine, economics,architecture, science, religion, and
the arts. Today there are thousands of schools,clinics, farms, and many
other organizations based on his ideas.

Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his
ability to conduct spiritual research, the investigation of metaphysical
dimensions of existence.
With his scientific and philosophical training, he brought a new systematic
iscipline to the field, allowing for conscious methods and comprehensive
results. A natural seer from childhood, he cultivated his spiritual vision to
a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled
mysteries of life.

Topics include: 

  • the origins and nature of architecture
  • the formative influence of architectural forms
  • the history of architecture in the light of human spiritual evolution
  • new architecture as a means of uniting with spiritual forces
  • art and architecture as manifestations of spiritual realities
  • metamorphosis in architecture
  • aspects of a new form of architecture
  • the first and second Goetheanum buildings
  • the architecture of a community in Dornach
  • the temple is the human being
  • the restoration of the lost temple


頁數 288頁
備註   ISBN:9781855841239

1 x Freeing the Human Spirit
1 x 作手工的好幫手-小剪刀
1 x 特價-6色天然蜂蜜蠟土
1 x 德國原木水彩筆(大+中+小)/3支組
1 x Festivals Together
1 x 彈性繃帶-1又1/2"吋寛(碼)(H-058)
2 x 消失筆(H-020)
2 x Arts and Crafts in Waldorf Schools
1 x [二手新書]Cotton Life x2本
1 x Beyond the Rainbow Bridge
1 x Creating a Home for Body, Soul, and Spirit
1 x The First Three Years of the Child-預訂
1 x 大天使(片)(H-008-18)
1 x 純棉 細紗布 (10碼)
1 x 娃娃支撐架 (25cm)
1 x Singing and Speaking the Child into Life
1 x [二手]麻球玩布日記
1 x Learning to See the World through Drawing
1 x A Psychology of Human Dignity
1 x An English Manual
1 x 大木人#20(W-001)
1 x 柔和彩虹積木
2 x 彈性繃帶-2又6/8吋 寛/碼(H-057-4)
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-咖啡色(半碼)預訂
1 x Games Children Sing and Play
1 x 羊毛條/森林色系/ - 100g
1 x 繪本 : 野葡萄(簡體書)
1 x I Love to Be Me
1 x 美國 35%羊毛布 / 環保小布塊(7色) / 組
1 x 心靈週曆
1 x 娃娃家-家具組A(廚房)(T-027)
1 x Helping Children on Their Way-預訂
1 x Peter and Lotta's Adventure
1 x 繪本 : 好夢寶貝B-美人魚(4冊)(簡體書)
1 x 藍染印花多層次收納包
1 x Stockmar-8色蠟磚(主色,鐵盒)
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-膚色(Tan)(五碼)
1 x 手指偶木人-D23(W-018)
1 x Come Follow Me Vol.2 CD
1 x An Unknown Destiny-預訂
1 x 日本100%羊毛線-深藍
1 x Winter Songbook
1 x Carl Larsson's Home, Family and Farm
1 x 斯坦納給教師的實踐建議(簡體書)
1 x [二手]我的雅致小扁包
1 x 姆指琴(CH-008)
1 x Tapestry of a Waldorf Curriculum
1 x 繪本 : 聽,小蝸牛艾瑪(簡體書)
1 x Celebrating Festivals with Children
1 x 巧手染-彩虹亮光絲綢披風(H-101)
1 x 羊毛針(wool-010)
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-有機棉Fair(一碼)(H-077-3)
1 x 藍染花布白玫瑰肩背包
1 x CHOROI五音木笛 - 保養油(大罐)
1 x 羊毛條/閃亮色系/ - 100g
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