A Student's Workbook for Mathematics in Class 7, 詩書坊


A Student's Workbook for Mathematics in Class 7

A Student\'s Workbook for Mathematics in Class 7

Floris Books

Note that the Floris Books editions of Jamie York's books have been
 completely revised for UK and European notation, language and 
metric systems. They are also suitable for use in South Africa, 
Australia and New Zealand.
Experienced maths teacher and consultant Jamie York
 believes that a love of learning comes through the 
teacher, so his books are committed to supporting
 teachers in developing their classroom skills and
 to fostering a love of maths in their students. 
Unlike conventional maths textbooks, his books are
 not full of fancy graphics and contrived ways to
 make maths
fun. Rather, they:
-- focus on the essentials, so teachers aren't 
overwhelmed by endless lists of required materials
-- are genuinely interesting and challenging, 
sparking students' enthusiasm for learning maths
-- are developmentally appropriate to the age of 
the child, thereby encouraging inner mathemetical 
awareness and thinking
-- favour depth over superficiality, to avoid teaching 
blind procedures to solve meaningless problems.
This student's workbook for Class 7 contains practice
 questions, with room for working, on all the topics 
a student needs to cover in Steiner-Waldorf Class 7 
(age 13-14).
The book includes:
Arithmetic review topics from previous years.
New topics for Class 7: measurement, percents, ratios, 
rates, geometry, algebra, the square root algorithm.
Mental maths: it is as important as ever for children 
to develop the ability to do calculations in their head. 
Each worksheet therefore begins with a secion on mental
 maths, focusing on one of our areas described in the 
Teacher's Source Book (available separately).
Note that this workbook is also available in a pack of ten with a 
teacher's answer booklet.



ISBN: 9781782503200


1 x An English Manual
1 x 如果器官會說話(簡體書)
1 x 榮格與史坦納: 靈性心理學的曙光
1 x 優律思美—時間與空間的藝術 紀念專刊
1 x 探索樸門:超越永續的原則與道路
1 x 不人道的建築(簡體書)
1 x 早上好,晚上好(簡體書)
1 x How to make nuno felt:羊毛氈創作集
1 x 植物研究手冊(BC-189)(繁體)
1 x 森林小公主(繪本)
1 x 繪本 : 奇趣植物科普繪本(十冊裝)(簡體書)
1 x 古希臘
1 x 蝶兒手提包
1 x 繪本 : 斯坦和龍(簡體書)
1 x Colour Dynamics II
1 x An Unknown Destiny-預訂
1 x 繪本 : 好夢寶貝A-小仙女(5冊)(簡體書)
1 x 人類與動物的研究-四至六年級主課程(BC-144)
1 x 繪本 : 松鼠先生和月亮(簡體書)
1 x 數學也可以這樣學
1 x Making Fairy Folk
1 x 宇宙記憶
1 x Ancient Rome
1 x 藍染花布抽繩大貝殼包
1 x 藍染花布春響肩背包
1 x 好奇的小魚(繪本)
1 x 三年級課程教學手冊
1 x 雪的孩子(繪本)
1 x 繪本 : 好夢寶貝B-美人魚(4冊)(簡體書)
1 x 繪本 : 它們是怎麼長出來的?(簡體書)
1 x A Life with Colour
1 x 歷史教學手冊(BC-207)
1 x 太陽蜂巢
1 x 0-7歲華德福教育:培育懂得愛、欣賞美、愛閱讀、身心健康的快樂孩子
1 x 人智學醫生Michaela Glockler談人智學(B-307)
1 x 繪本 : 好夢寶貝C-小魔怪(4冊)(簡體書)
1 x 探索之路:三~四年級
1 x 繪本 : 根娃娃的故事繪本-寶貝 寶貝 機靈鬼兒
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