Education As a Force for Social Change, 詩書坊


Education As a Force for Social Change

Education As a Force for Social Change
出版社 Anthroposophic Press

These impassioned, radical lectures were given
by Rudolf Steiner one month before the opening
of the first Waldorf School - following two years
of intense preoccupation with the social situation
in Germany as World War I ended and society
sought to rebuild itself. Steiner recognized that
any solution to the life-gripping problems of the
day must address not only economic and legal
questions, but also that of a free spiritual life.
For Steiner, only a proper nurturing of the virtues
of imitation, reverence and love at the appropriate
period in a child's development can create mature
adults who are inwardly prepared to fulfill the
demands of a truly healthy social life. Only this
nurturing can develop out of children adults who
are capable of assuming the responsibilities of
cultural"freedom," social "equality," and
economic "brotherhood."

Also included are three lectures on the social
basis of education as well as a lecture to the
workers of the Waldorf Astoria Cigarette Factory
(following which they asked him to form a school)
and a lecture to public school teachers.

頁數 272頁
備註  ISBN: 0880104112
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