Liputto: Stories of Gnomes and Trolls, 詩書坊


Liputto: Stories of Gnomes and Trolls

Liputto: Stories of Gnomes and Trolls

作者   Jakob Streit , Susanne A. Mitchell
These wonderful stories of the North will delight children of all ages with the
humanity and grace of the gnomes.
The first few stories in this collection recount the exploits of a disagreeable troll,
who ensnares unsuspecting creatures - a goldfish, butterflies - in his net and
keeps them in his dark cave; other animals help to free the captives.
Then begins the story, in short chapters, of Liputto, a gnome whose job it is
to bring drops of sunlight deep into the earth; after seven years of work,
he is awarded a kind of sabbatical, to explore for a year.
For this purpose he is given an invisibility cap, so that he can remain unseen
by humans, though his stated hope is to learn more about them.
The rest of the book is devoted to his journey.
Liputto first helps a tiny violet,
unintentionally trampled under the foot of a child;
he then saves a baby bunny from a lawn mower,
and helps the mother rabbit find a home safe from foxes.
As the story develops, Liputto learns more about human nature,
and helps to encourage kindness in them. He is called on to be courageous.
And he is shown grace by others, because of his thoughtfulness and good
intentions. I especially like an early episode, in which Liputto rescues
two children who are lost on a mountain picking flowers for their mother's birthday;
Liputto decides to take off his hat so that the children see him,
in order to show them the way home. He doesn't say anything,
but gestures and points, and when the children find the path down,
he disappears. Despite that he's not supposed to reveal himself,
he decides to do so in the interest of this childrens' safety.
Rules are important, but sometimes the most sensible thing to do is to
ignore them.
頁數 59頁,
備註   ISBN:1-888365-26-9,軟皮封面

1 x Sun So Hot I Froze to Death
1 x 鋼筆卡式 墨水管/10支
1 x Skye the Puffling-A Wee Puffin Board Book
1 x The Chess Piece Magician
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)50*70cm(亮面11色)(H-127-2)
1 x The Blue Forest-預訂
1 x 蠟磚蠟筆袋(灰紫色)F-009
1 x Rapunzel
1 x 蠟磚蠟筆袋(橘色)(F-008)
1 x 以一種光的視角看兒童畫(簡體書)
1 x Rain or Shine(繪本)
1 x Snip, Snap, Snout
1 x 蠟磚蠟筆袋(粉色)F-009
2 x 優律司美如何開始
1 x Story of Root Children-迷你本
1 x 你是孩子的第一任老師(簡體版)
1 x Sylvain and Jocosa
1 x Story of Root Children
1 x 蠟磚蠟筆袋(藍色)(F-008)
1 x 像植物一樣思考(簡體書)
1 x 窗花紙(日本絲綢紙)16*16cm (20色共240張)(H-126)
1 x Sam and the Gnome's Red Hat
1 x MERCURIUS 彩色粉筆(16色)
1 x 人心(簡體書)(BC-3061)
1 x 兒童的花園(簡)
1 x Story of Rabbit Children
1 x 羊毛氈色鉛筆袋(淺咖啡色)
1 x Story of Wind Children
1 x Sun and Seed
1 x 兒童繪畫與中國神話世界(簡體書)
1 x 人智學和華德福教育-三部曲之三(簡體書)
1 x 窗花紙(日本絲綢)24*24cm (20色共240張)(H-126-1)
1 x Story of Snow Children
1 x S 綠鋼筆(1.1mm)/含 7支墨水管
1 x MERCURIUS 彩色粉筆(12色)
1 x 向大自然學習智慧-與瑪特拉的52日神秘之旅(簡體書)
1 x 羊毛氈色鉛筆袋(深咖啡色)
1 x Spin a Scarf of Sunshine
1 x 人智學導論(簡)
1 x Form Drawing and Colouring for Fun, Healing and Wellbeing
1 x 你不是孤單一個人(簡體書)
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)16*16cm(亮面11色)(H-127)
1 x 色鉛筆袋F-007
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)16*16cm(亮面5色)(H-128)
1 x 和孩子一起畫畫(簡體書)
1 x 小黑板(H-134)
1 x 一場穿越時空的探險:原來孩子可以這樣學歷史(簡)
1 x Snow White and Rose Red
1 x 人.心魂和靈性的智慧(簡體書)(BC-058)
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)22*22cm(亮面11色)(H-127-1)
1 x 兒童健康講記(簡體書)
1 x 人類最初的故事(簡體書)
1 x The 12 Days of Yule: A Scots Christmas Rhyme
1 x Manual for teaching the Alphabet using Waldorf methods
1 x 以新的方式理解生命之初(簡)
1 x Story of the Butterfly Children
2 x 優律司美的療癒力量(簡體書)
1 x S 藍鋼筆(1.5mm)/含 7支墨水管
1 x Sun Seed(大本)
1 x 和孩子一起做娃娃(簡體書)
1 x Little Fairy Makes a Wish
1 x Raphael's Madonnas-Images for the Soul預訂
1 x The Children's Forest
1 x 解開兒童之謎
1 x Storytelling for Life
1 x 仁芳老師2023年月曆《時空。光影》(最後2本)
1 x Now that Night is Near
1 x More Radiant than the Sun
1 x Meditations for Times of Day and Seasons of the Year
1 x Little Red Riding Hood
1 x Looking for a Fairy
1 x Rainbows, Halos, Dawn and Dusk
1 x The Festivals and Their Meaning
1 x Mother Earth's Children
1 x More Lifeways
1 x Symbols of Eternity
1 x Pearls of Thought
1 x Lazy Jack
1 x 如何穫得更高世界之認知?(簡)(精裝本)
1 x Little King December
1 x Metamorphoses of Light
1 x Astronomy for Young and Old
1 x Lily the Little Princess
1 x Mindfulness and Reverence
1 x Namaste
1 x Little Fairy Can’t Sleep
1 x My First Root Children(迷你本)
1 x My Luve's Like a Red, Red Rose
1 x Architecture as Peacework(CW287)預訂
1 x Little Fairy's Meadow Party
1 x My First Snow Children
1 x Lifeways
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