The Magical Wishing Fish, 詩書坊


The Magical Wishing Fish

The Magical Wishing Fish
作者 Daniela Drescher 

One day a poor fisherman catches a fish that says he’s an enchanted prince and begs to
be set free. But when the fisherman tells his wife the story, she demands that the fish
grants a wish in return.

The magical wishing fish grants them a new house, riches and power. But as his wife’s
requests become more and more extreme, the kindly fisherman starts to wish only that
they were as happy as they’d been when they were poor.

This classic Brothers Grimm tale of being careful what you wish for is beautifully brought
to life with soft, detailed illustrations by Loek Koopmans. 

A wonderful new adaptation that brings light-hearted humour and warmth to the
traditional morality tale of the fisherman and his wife; a story retold throughout the world.

(Ages 3 to 6 years) 

頁數 24頁

ISBN: 978-1-78250-524-2 ,硬皮封面,全彩印刷十分精美

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