Inner Noture of Music and the Experience of Tone, 詩書坊


Inner Noture of Music and the Experience of Tone

Inner Noture of Music and the Experience of Tone
作者 Rudolf Steiner Edited by Alice WulsinTranslated by Maria St. Goar 
英文說明 Selected Lectures

"A tone is at the foundation of everything in the physical world." 

This is one of many astonishing statements made by Rudolf Steiner in this
collection of seven lectures on the inner realities of music. These lectures
are an unusual treasure, since they are the only two groups of lectures that
Steiner gave primarily on music, other than the lecture cycle for the tone
eurythmy course, 
Eurythmy as Visible Music

In the first group of three lectures, given in 1906, Steiner explains why music
affects the human soul so powerfully. Music has always held a special position
among the arts because it is the only art form whose archetype, or source,
lies not in the physical world, as with architecture, sculpture, and painting,
but purely in the spiritual world-the soul's true home. Music thus directly
expresses through tones the innermost essence of the cosmos, and our
sense of well-being when we hear music comes from a recognition of our
soul's experience in the spiritual world. 

In the remaining lectures, given in 1922 and 1923, Steiner discusses our
experience of musical intervals and shows how it has undergone profound
changes during the course of evolution. The religious effects of music in
ancient times and the union of music with speech are considered, as well
as the origin of musical instruments out of imaginations that accompanied
singing. New insights are offered on the nature of the major and minor
modes and on future directions of musical development. 
頁數 108頁
備註  ISBN:978-0-88010-074-8 
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