The Way of a Child, 詩書坊


The Way of a Child

The Way of a Child
出版社  Rodolfsteinerpress

  The Way of a Child

This is a new edition of one of the most popular introductions to child development and Waldorf education. Chapters include "The Heart of Childhood, " "Life Forces and Death Forces, " "The Birth of the Ego, " and "The Form of a School."


In the rhythmic system also we find organically expressed that quality of movement which has already been alluded to in connection with the power of feeling. The rhythmic system never tires. The limbs will go no further at the end of a mere day's walk; the brain becomes exhausted with a few hours concentrated thinking; but the heart and lungs must pulse and stir without rest by day or night from the first intake of mortal air to the last out-breathing of the breath of life. It is due to this tirelessness of the rhythmic system that all work is less fatiguing in proportion as it is done rhythmically and, being so done, rests on the rhythmic system of the body. The old customs of singing and chanting the work were based on this knowledge, and students of fatigue in modern times have only rediscovered the importance of making movements rhythmical if they are not to tire.

But because the connection of the rhythmic system with the power feeling is not understood, people have not yet begun to study the effect of feeling on the nature of fatigue*. In education, we find that intellectual work tires the children, and then, to give them relief, we exercise the opposite pole of the body by introducing violent games and sports, which exhaust them, in another way. But we do not have the imagination to think that if we taught artistically and with feeling, that is rhythmically, they would not become so tired in the first place, and so would not need violent outlets for their energies in another direction in the second.


頁數 103頁
備註  ISBN: 9781855483875,1940。
1 x 巧手染玩耍棉布(單塊)(T-001)
1 x 娃娃家-家具組B(臥室組)(T-028)
1 x 娃娃家-家具組A(廚房)(T-027)
1 x 娃娃藤籃(小)(H-142)
1 x 娃娃家-家具組D(客廳組)(T-030)
1 x 巧手染彩虹絲布(H-138)
1 x 娃娃藤籃(大)(H-141)
1 x 原木溜溜球(H-119)
1 x 彈弓(木製)(T-003)
1 x 彩色櫸木疊疊平衡石(20粒)(T-043)
1 x 原木陀螺(H-105)
1 x 原色手工積木(52塊)(T-017)
1 x 彩虹屋積木(T-019)
1 x 娃娃家-21件家具組(T-011)
1 x 原色手工積木(32塊)(H-103)
1 x 彩虹積木(中)
1 x 巧手染玩耍披風(單塊)(H-140)
1 x 娃娃家-家具組C(浴室組)(T-029)
1 x 不規則造型木製燭台
1 x 巧手染-彩虹亮光絲綢披風(H-101)
1 x To Change a Mind
1 x The Human Organs
1 x Birth and Breastfeeding
1 x The Waldorf Book of Breads
1 x The Teenage Edge
1 x Universe of the Human Body預訂
1 x Awakening to Child Health
1 x Colour, Healing, and the Human Soul
1 x 好玩療愈快樂形線畫及塗色(簡)
1 x Form Drawing
1 x Blessed by Illness
1 x Form Drawing Vormtekenen
1 x Living Lines
1 x Addictive Behaviour in Children and Young Adults
1 x The Significance of Movement in Curative Education
1 x Anthroposophic Nursing Practice
1 x The Four Temperaments
1 x A Guide to Child Health(第四版)
1 x The Way of a Child
1 x Understanding Deeper Developmental Needs
1 x Couple's Illumination-DVD
1 x Trailing Clouds of Glory
1 x The Parallel Proces
1 x A Wound Awoke Me
1 x Form Drawing Grades One through Four
1 x Calm Kids
1 x Children and Their Temperaments
1 x Children's Destinies
1 x Anthroposophic Medicine and Therapies for Cancer
1 x Flowforms預訂
1 x An Inner Journey through the Year
1 x Creative Form Drawing for the Four Temperaments
1 x The Waldorf Book of Soup
1 x The Problem of Lefthandedness-預訂
1 x To a Different Drumbeat
1 x The Toddler Years
1 x A Child's Way-Slowing Down for Goodness Sake
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