Becoming a Family: The First Three Years, 詩書坊


Becoming a Family: The First Three Years

Becoming a Family: The First Three Years

Hawthorn Press


Becoming a Family: The First Three Years

Raising children is a lifelong journey and is never what you imagine it to be. 

Becoming a Family explores the first three intense and joyful years of the family

journey. This is also a profound personal journey: Parents need to trust their

own inner sense as a guide for health and truth. After all, mothers and fathers

have been raising children successfully long before childcare experts came along!


Babies arrive ‘trailing clouds of glory’, creating a profound spiritual and human

presence during their first three years. Margaret Shaw offers a sensitive and

helpful window into how to welcome babies into this earth with warmth, love,

insight, joy, rhythm, structure and sensitive care. This helps lay healthy

physical, psychological and spiritual foundations for life. The book follows

the incarnating process of the child, starting before conception through the

first three years of the family up to the third birthday.

Themes covered include: home making, pregnancy and birth, motherhood

and fatherhood in prospect, parents' first year, the child's first, second adn third

years, the twelve senses, guardian angels and grandparents.  Parents' stories

offer thought-provoking personal experiences of different ways of becoming

a family.






1 x 特價-6色天然水彩
1 x 小天使(片)(H-008-17)
1 x Dessert FourPlay
1 x 6格水彩架+6罐(含蓋)(H-144)
1 x 一釐米人智學季刊 / 第 8 期(冬季號)
1 x 星星編織器(H-010)
1 x 鋼筆卡式 墨水管/10支
1 x Coloring with Block Crayons
1 x Creative Therapy for Children with Autism, ADD, and Asperger's
1 x Completing the Circle
1 x 一釐米人智學季刊 / 第 9 期(春季號)
1 x 膠囊娃娃針(一支組)
1 x 自由的哲學‧從自然科學通往靈性覺醒的奧秘:人智學開創大師一生最重要的思想經典
1 x Cancer Recovery Guide
1 x 蠟磚蠟筆袋(灰紫色)F-009
2 x Stockmar 8色蠟筆(鐵盒)- 基本配色
1 x 02-善、美、真的學校-華德福教育入門
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)50*70cm(亮面11色各1)(H-127-3)
1 x Christ and the Spiritual World and the Search for the Holy
1 x 00-邁向自由的教育
1 x The Age of Discovery
1 x Children's Creative Play
1 x Biography-Freedom and Desting預訂
1 x The Cycle of the Year
1 x 木質線軸(大)(H-038)
1 x 色鉛筆袋F-007
1 x 10-華德福幼兒教育的理論與實踐
1 x The Child's Changing Consciousness
1 x S 綠鋼筆(1.1mm)/含 7支墨水管
1 x The Case for Home Schooling
1 x 羊毛針 收納筒(H-033-1)
1 x 一釐米人智學季刊 / 第 10 期(夏季號)
1 x Teaching Foreign Languages(預訂)
1 x Calendar of the Soul
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)16*16cm(亮面11色)(H-127)
1 x 竹製勾針(12支/組)(T-009)
1 x 05-幼兒的工作與遊戲
1 x 媽媽木人II(W-002-1)預定
1 x 竹製棒針
1 x 以靈性指引社群建造
1 x Teaching Children Handwriting預訂
1 x Teaching Language Arts in the Waldorf School
1 x The Boundaries of Natural Science預訂
1 x 虎標手縫線(H-004)
2 x Stockmar-32色蠟筆(紙盒)
1 x Cosmic and Human Metamorphosis
1 x 木-小雪人(H-005-SNS)
1 x 07-我來了-人類智慧學下嬰幼兒保育
1 x 小鳥牌手縫/刺繡二用針(H-065)
1 x Calendar of the Soul-The Year Participated
1 x Stockmar-8色蠟磚(主色,鐵盒)
1 x 窗花紙(日本絲綢紙)16*16cm (20色共240張)(H-126)
1 x 橡樹木人 / 迷你版(W-008)
1 x The Alpha Beta Book
1 x 後疫情時代的兒童媒體生活環境
1 x 木 鈴鐺(W-010)
1 x Children at Play
2 x Blessed by Illness
1 x S 藍鋼筆(1.5mm)/含 7支墨水管
1 x 水彩紙 / 200張
1 x 小黑板(H-134)
1 x The Art of Lecturing
1 x 寶寶木人(H-007-2)
1 x 水彩紙 / 100張
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)22*22cm(亮面11色)(H-127-1)
1 x 娃娃針 收納筒(大)(H-033)
1 x 花梨木手縫針收納筒
1 x 水彩紙 / 10張 (網路最低訂購量)
1 x Hygge 北歐生活教養
1 x Stockmar-12色蠟筆(紙盒)
1 x 媽媽木人(Angel Peg Doll)W-002
1 x 羊毛氈色鉛筆袋(深咖啡色)
1 x 窗花紙(日本絲綢)24*24cm (20色共240張)(H-126-1)
1 x [二手]我的雅致小扁包
1 x 顆粒布
1 x A Practical Guide to Curative Education
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (13號-咖啡)
1 x Colour, Healing, and the Human Soul
1 x 養育健康的孩子
1 x 彈性繃帶- 3/8吋寛(碼)(H-062)
1 x Projective Geometry
1 x Spring Tales-The Spring tales collection
1 x Stockmar-8色蠟筆(華得福配色)(鐵盒)
1 x Stockmar-8色蠟磚+8色蠟筆(鐵盒)
1 x 日本100%羊毛線-橘、黃色系
1 x 彩虹積木(小)
1 x 彈性繃帶-1又1/2"吋寛(碼)(H-058)
1 x A Guide to Child Health(第四版)
1 x Intuition
1 x Rainbows, Halos, Dawn, and Dusk
1 x Mystery of the Universe
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (26號-銀色)
1 x CHOROI五音笛(無笛片)
1 x Pearls of Thought
1 x Study Of Man
1 x Children and Their Temperaments
1 x 特價品Aunt Green, Aunt Brown & Aunt Lavender
1 x Biography and Waldorf Education
1 x 彈性繃帶-1又1/8"吋寛(碼)(H-058-1)
1 x 橡果蓋(包)
1 x 天然木棉-大包裝(cotton-001)
1 x 膚色毛根(H-036)(10根一組)
1 x 段染毛線組(8顆)
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (02號-紅)
1 x 純棉 細紗布 (一碼)(cotton-004)
1 x Soul Development Through Handwriting
1 x CHOROI七音笛(無笛片)
1 x Practical Advice to Teachers
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (10號-藍)
1 x More Lifeways
1 x Why Children Don't Listen--缺頁出清
1 x Birth and Breastfeeding
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