A Guide to Child Health(第四版), 詩書坊


A Guide to Child Health(第四版)

A Guide to Child Health(第四版)




Floris Books

Dr Michaela Glöckler is head of the Medical Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach,

Switzerland. She is the author of many books on child health and development.

Dr Wolfgang Goebel trained at the university pediatric clinic in Tübingen and at t

he Ita Wegman hospital in Arlesheim, Switzerland. He co-founded the pediatric

department at the community hospital in Herdecke and was its leading physician until 1995.

He has also facilitated conferences on immunisation and related topics.




This acclaimed guide to children's physical, psychological and spiritual

development is now available in a fourth revised edition. Combining up-to-date

medical advice with issues of development and education, this is a definitive guide for parents. 

This is the book for anyone who has ever wanted a deeper understanding of

their children's illnesses, or sought a more holistic approach to children's health.

As well as comprehensively covering medical issues, it also discusses parenting techniques,

education, spirituality and play -- a truly integrated approach to all aspects of raising

healthy children in the broadest sense. 

The authors have over 20 years' experience treating children at Herdecke Hospital,

Germany, which is run using anthroposophical principles. 

The fourth edition includes updates on treatments for tonsillitis, croup, sunstroke and

headlice. The section on vaccinations includes the latest recommendations

including measles, meningococcal and HPV. There is also a new section on electromagnetic

pollution, including mobile (cell) phones.

Table of Contents

Symptoms of Illness in Childhood 
1. Pain Due to Illness or Injury 
2. Fever and its Treatment 
3. Respiratory Diseases 
4. Vomiting, Diarrhea, and Constipation 
5. Skin Diseases and Rashes 
6. Allergic Sensitivity and Modern Civilization 
7. The "Childhood Illnesses" and Other Diseases 
8. The Meaning and Purpose of Illness 
9. Preventing Illness and Promoting Health 
10. Prevention and Immunization 
11. Meeteing Challenging Problems 
The Foundations of Healthy Development 
12. The First Months of Life 
13. From Infant to Toddler 
14. Nutrition for Infants and Children 
15. Child Development and Related Social Issues 
16. Becoming a Family: Child-Mother-Father Connections 
Health through Education 
17. Health through Education 
18. Child-Rearing and Education as Preventative Medicine 
19. Learning Effective Parenting 
20. Developing your Child's Will 
21. Sleep Disorders and Other Problems at Home 
22. Problems at School 
23. Recognizing and Fostering Children's Temperaments 
24. Why Children Need Religious Education 
25. Sex Education 
26. Understanding Addiction and Avoiding Drugs 
27. Children ad Multimedia 
28. Environmental Toxins and Environmental Protection 
The Alliance for Childhood 
External Treatments for Home Nursing 
Weight and height tables 
Useful Organizations 


480 pages/234 x 156 mm/


 paperback/ISBN9780863159671/22 Aug 2013 出版。

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2 x 彩虹積木(小)
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1 x Eurythmy as Visible Singing預訂
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1 x The Early History of Eurythmy
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1 x Eurythmy and the Impulse of Dance-需預訂
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1 x Eurythmy, Its Birth and Development預訂
1 x Foundations of Curative Eurythmy
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1 x An Inner Journey through the Year
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1 x 日本100%羊毛線-深藍
1 x A Child's Way-Slowing Down for Goodness Sake
1 x Birth and Breastfeeding
1 x stockmar濃縮水彩 20ml/瓶-(#05 黃)
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1 x Anthroposophic Medicine and Therapies for Cancer
1 x stockmar濃縮水彩 250ml/瓶-(#01正紅)
1 x 鐘紡100%羊毛線 / 細
1 x 羊毛線(大捲)
1 x 純棉 細紗布 (一碼)(cotton-004)
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1 x stockmar濃縮水彩 250ml/瓶-(#05 黃)
1 x 手工水彩架+6罐(含蓋)(H-133)
1 x 彩虹積木(大)
1 x マフラー倶楽部ヒーロー / 圍巾俱樂部毛線
1 x 段染毛線組(8顆)
1 x 日本100%羊毛線-其他色系
1 x Adventures in Parenting
1 x stockmar濃縮水彩 50ml/瓶-(#05 黃)
1 x Addictive Behaviour in Children and Young Adults
1 x 德國原木水彩筆 (11號 )
1 x stockmar濃縮水彩 20ml/瓶-(#01 紅))
1 x 天然木棉-小包裝(cotton-001)
1 x Confronting Conflict
1 x stockmar濃縮水彩 20ml/瓶-(#10 藍)
1 x 三原色50ml水彩 / 三瓶特惠組
1 x 幼兒專用原木水彩筆 (長柄)
1 x Calm Kids
1 x stockmar濃縮水彩 50ml/瓶-(#01 紅))
1 x Children's Destinies
1 x STOCKMAR/三原色特惠/250ml
1 x 日本100%羊毛線-藍色系
1 x つきのよるの黑井健繪本
1 x 日本100%羊毛線-綠色系
1 x Children and Their Temperaments
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