Blessed by Illness, 詩書坊


Blessed by Illness

Blessed by Illness
作者 L. F. C. Mees, M.D.

The prevailing attitude in modern medicine is that illness
should not exist. Consequently, millions of research dollars
pour each year into medical science and technology in the
hope of eradicating various sicknesses and diseases.
Patients and doctors alike suffer the terrible consequences
of this impossible quest for material perfection. Yet, there
is an alternate viewhat human beings and human evolution
are great enough to include "illness" as an essential part of

In the first part of Blessed by Illness, the author traces the
history of our changing concept of healing, from the so-called
temple sleep of ancient Egypthen spiritual science tells us
that human beings still had a living connection with the
spiritual hierarchieshrough the herbal lore of ancient
Greece and the healings of Christ, to the rise of modern
medicine, based primarily on treating symptoms.

The practice of modern medicine focuses merely on removing
discernable symptoms and ailments. The author, however,
asserts that this does not really heal at all. Rather, true healing
considers the whole human being. And, to do this, doctors must
learn the language of our natural, healing life forces, which affect
not only the body, but also nature and the greater cosmos. From
this perspective, illness is actually a gift, a blessing that urges
both patient and doctor to work together with our illnesses for
the sake of something infinitely greaterrue healing.

Blessed by Illness is a powerful introduction to
"alternative" methods of healing.

頁數 250頁
備註  ISBN: 9780880100540

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