Creative Form Drawing with Children Aged 6-10 Years(平裝), 詩書坊


Creative Form Drawing with Children Aged 6-10 Years(平裝)

Creative Form Drawing with Children Aged 6-10 Years(平裝)
作者 Angela Lord 
“As a teacher new to Waldorf education, this book has been an invaluable guide to developing form
 drawings. I have found that the children's work became more balanced, coordinated, and harmonious.
 The children had a greater attention to detail with special awareness after doing these exercises.” 
—Victor Ray, class teacher at Michael Hall Steiner Waldorf School, Kidbrooke Park, England

Creative Form Drawing Workbook 1 is a form-drawing resource for teachers working with a specific
 age range. It is designed to be used with the Steiner/Waldorf curriculum from classes 1 to 3. 
Creative form drawing helps children develop hand-eye coordination, spatial orientation, 
observation skills, confident movement, drawing skills and the foundation skills for handwriting. 
Originally developed by Rudolf Steiner, creative form drawing is used widely in Steiner/Waldorf 
schools to enable healthy child development and learning.

Both volumes 1 and 2 include sections on the purposes of form drawing, how to use form 
drawing to counteract negative screen-effects, and the origins and development of creative 
form drawing. Creative Form Drawing is an informative and easy-to-use resource that will 
be of great use to anyone wishing to use this valuable developmental tool with children.

Contents of workbook 1:
Introduction; Using this book; Teaching methods; Part one, Class One; Part Two, Class Two;
 Part Three, Class Three; Quotations from lectures by Rudolf Steiner; References and
 recommended reading; Acknowledgements.

Contents of workbook 2:
Introduction; Using this book; Teaching methods; The adolescent child and art; Part One,
 Class Four; Part Two, Class Five; Quotations from lectures by Rudolf Steiner; 
References and recommended reading; Acknowledgements 

頁數 136頁  軟皮封面
備註  ISBN:978-1-907359-98-9 (2018/02出版平裝,之前只有精裝本)

1 x 巧手染玩耍棉布(單塊)(T-001)
1 x 娃娃家-家具組B(臥室組)(T-028)
1 x 娃娃家-家具組A(廚房)(T-027)
1 x 娃娃藤籃(小)(H-142)
1 x 娃娃家-家具組D(客廳組)(T-030)
1 x 巧手染彩虹絲布(H-138)
1 x 娃娃藤籃(大)(H-141)
1 x 原木溜溜球(H-119)
1 x 彈弓(木製)(T-003)
1 x 彩色櫸木疊疊平衡石(20粒)(T-043)
1 x 原木陀螺(H-105)
1 x 原色手工積木(52塊)(T-017)
1 x 彩虹屋積木(T-019)
1 x 娃娃家-21件家具組(T-011)
1 x 原色手工積木(32塊)(H-103)
1 x 彩虹積木(中)
1 x 巧手染玩耍披風(單塊)(H-140)
1 x 娃娃家-家具組C(浴室組)(T-029)
1 x 不規則造型木製燭台
1 x 巧手染-彩虹亮光絲綢披風(H-101)
1 x To Change a Mind
1 x The Human Organs
1 x Birth and Breastfeeding
1 x The Waldorf Book of Breads
1 x The Teenage Edge
1 x Universe of the Human Body預訂
1 x Awakening to Child Health
1 x Colour, Healing, and the Human Soul
1 x 好玩療愈快樂形線畫及塗色(簡)
1 x Form Drawing
1 x Blessed by Illness
1 x Form Drawing Vormtekenen
1 x Living Lines
1 x Addictive Behaviour in Children and Young Adults
1 x The Significance of Movement in Curative Education
1 x Anthroposophic Nursing Practice
1 x The Four Temperaments
1 x A Guide to Child Health(第四版)
1 x The Way of a Child
1 x Understanding Deeper Developmental Needs
1 x Couple's Illumination-DVD
1 x Trailing Clouds of Glory
1 x The Parallel Proces
1 x A Wound Awoke Me
1 x Form Drawing Grades One through Four
1 x Calm Kids
1 x Children and Their Temperaments
1 x Children's Destinies
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