The Zodiac Gestures in Eurythmy, 詩書坊


The Zodiac Gestures in Eurythmy

The Zodiac Gestures in Eurythmy
作者  By  Werner Barford
Virginia Sease
Sally Lake-Edwards

Eurythmy is an art form that makes sounds visible. By incorporating zodiac
gestures into their art, as indicated by Rudolf Steiner, eurythmists can draw
on a deep connection between the earth and the cosmos.

The zodiac, as representative of the whole cosmos, is a vital part of human
spirituality, acting as the backdrop to human life. But it can be hard to
fathom the zodiac's secrets, even through meditation. Barfod draws a
parallel between meditative exercises and eurythmy practice, and shows
how zodiac gestures in eurythmy can reveal cosmic insights. 

This is a book for eurythmy teachers and practitioners who want to
deepen their art and spiritual work.

∞ ∞ ∞


Foreword by Virginia Sease 
Preface: Out of the Creative Chaos 

1. The Zodiac in Eurythmy 
2. The Consonants in the Zodiac 
3. The Composition of the Totality of the Zodiac 
4. Forces of Order in the Sounds of the Zodiac 
5. Rudolf Steiner’s Twelve Moods 
6. The Zodiac as the Source of All Created Things 
7. Work-Based Movement and Sound in the Zodiac 
8. The Zodiac and Technology 
9. Conversational Gestures and the Zodiac 
10. The Connection of Artistic Practice and Training 
11. Artistic Elements in Eurythmy and Their Twelve Metamorphoses 
12. The Task of the Earthly and the Cosmic Human Being 

頁數 176頁
備註  ISBN:9781782505679

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