Eurythmy and Rudolf Steiner, 詩書坊


Eurythmy and Rudolf Steiner

Eurythmy and Rudolf Steiner

Tatiana Kisseleff


Tatiana Kisseleff (1881–1970) was born in Warsaw, Poland, to Russian parents. She studied
law in France and later moved to Moscow, where she met and married the painter Nikolai Kisseleff.
The couple became interested in Theosophy, and in 1911 Tatiana met Rudolf Steiner and
Marie von Sivers in Hanover, Germany. Although Tatiana's interests lay in social work, Steiner
directed her toward the art of eurythmy and took her on as a personal student. She studied
eurythmy in Berlin before being invited to Dornach in 1914 to teach eurythmy. She devoted
the rest of her life to practicing and teaching eurythmy.


In the autumn 1912, Rudolf Steiner presented the first eurythmy performance. It
marked the revival—in modern form—of the sacred art of dance, which had been
used in the ancient mysteries to express the movements of stars and planets. In the
years that followed, Steiner and his wife Marie von Sivers further developed eurythmy,
broadening it beyond artistic movement to encompass healing and educational elements.

One pioneer of this new form of movement was the Russian anthroposophist Tatiana
Kisseleff, who became a student of Steiner and later a celebrated eurythmy teacher.

In this remarkable book (available for the first time in English), Kisseleff describes the
spiritual foundation of eurythmy as explored in Rudolf Steiner's lectures and recounts
the instruction she received from him.

This book represents both an eyewitness account of the beginnings of eurythmy and the
record of a deeply personal journey of Tatiana Kisseleff’s efforts to master it. It is
illustrated throughout with photographs, drawings, facsimile reproductions from
notebooks, and posters announcing early eurythmy performances, as well as accounts
of performances of various pieces performed, including Goethe's Faust and Rudolf Steiner's
own mystery dramas.

This fascinating account is for eurythmists and anyone who wants to delve into and
more deeply understand the history and development of eurythmy.

頁數 212頁
備註   ISBN:9781782507383
1 x Goethe's Faust in the Light of Anthroposophy
1 x 為孩子的身心靈創造一個家(簡體書)
1 x choroi 7弦
1 x Princess Sylvie
1 x Eurythmy and the Impulse of Dance-需預訂
1 x 明日的農場
1 x 華德福學校一二年級的數學課
1 x Astronomy for Young and Old
1 x 教育藝術方法論-教學法
1 x Pip the Gnome
1 x Theosophy
1 x Eurythmy as Visible Speech
1 x 扎根與蛻變(紀念版)(最後一本,售完絕版)
1 x Bare Hand Crafting
1 x Waldorf Education - A Family Guide
1 x Ollie's Ski Trip
1 x 人智學醫療系統(B-104)
1 x Rainbows, Halos, Dawn and Dusk
1 x 童年密碼:從理論到實踐,探看華德福教育
1 x 科瓦奇講植物、動物、天文與地理(全三冊)(簡體書)
1 x 找到內在的平衡--人智學心魂鍛鍊20個練習
1 x CHOROI五音木笛 - 保養油 /罐(小罐)(CH-009)
1 x 究竟為何在人世-人智學生命歷程研究(簡體書)
1 x Old Freedom Train(字母書)預訂
1 x Happy Jack
1 x CHOROI七音笛(無笛片)
1 x 我的太陽書
1 x 一到四年級華德福幾何學教育的形線畫
1 x Pip the Gnome and the Christmas Tree
1 x Hygge 北歐生活教養
1 x Therapeutic Eurythmy for the Eyes
1 x 歐洲精靈傳奇(簡體書)
1 x 人智醫學育兒寶典-當代之最|兒童健康照護與教養百科(0-18歲)
1 x 有機管理(簡體書)
1 x CHOROI五音木笛 - 保養油(大罐)
1 x Pico the Gnome
1 x 愛在瘟疫蔓延時--人智醫學百年紀念集
1 x Pippa and Pelle in the Spring Garden
1 x Everyday Eurythmy
1 x Anthroposophy and Science
1 x Eurythmy: A Creative Force in Humanity(預訂)
1 x Therapeutic Eurythmy for Children
1 x The Physiology of Eurythmy Therapy
1 x 探索之路:三~四年級
1 x Numerica
1 x Understanding Healing
1 x Bare Hand Knitting
1 x 人的普遍智識
1 x Foundations of Curative Eurythmy
1 x 日常生活中的人智學(簡體書)
1 x 姆指琴(CH-008)
1 x 宇宙織錦 /雜誌/ 03(B-103)
1 x 宇宙織錦 /雜誌/ 02(B-102)
1 x CHOROI五音笛(無笛片)
1 x 人學
1 x Nokken: A Garden for Children
1 x Eurythmy Forms for Tone Eurythmy
1 x Kindergarten Education
1 x Movement for the Young Child
1 x 找到內在的平衡--人智學心魂鍛鍊20個練習(套組)
1 x Pippa and Pelle in the Autumn Wind
1 x Pip the Gnome's Bedtime
1 x Being Human
1 x 星星的孩子,星星的詩(簡體)
1 x Pippa and Pelle in the Winter Snow
1 x 家庭護理
1 x Peter's Tree--預訂
1 x 人哲11期-教育與建築(BC-065)
1 x I Am Different from You(預訂)
1 x Adventures in Steiner Education
1 x 華德福學校三年級的數學課
1 x 為未來而教(中國大陸首位華德福主課教師教學日誌)(簡體書)
1 x 日常生活裡的人智學
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