More Lifeways, 詩書坊


More Lifeways

More Lifeways
作者 Patti Smith, Signe E. Schaefer
出版社  Hawthorn Press
英文說明    More Lifeways invites the sharing of experiences of parenting and family paths. Authors write from their hearts, offering readers space for encouragement and support. There are no easy answers to the challenges of parenting. However, learning from each others' experiences can help on the many journeys that different families tread. Here is an invitation to a conversation about things to question, areas to explore, and things to build on. This includes moments for laughter, for joy and for being deeply moved. There are many practical and wise insights to prepare the way ahead. With Lifeways, readers said they "felt met, strengthened, inspired, sometimes `saved' by the book lying half-read on the bedside table." More Lifeways offers further help, a ready source-book for parents.

There are 27 articles on a wide variety of themes relevant to the challenges of modern parenting. These include subjects such as: listening and the art of relationship, inner development, money, sex and power, spirituality, shadow and wonder, single parenting, fathering, mid-life changes, death and dying in the family, the needs of children in the 1990's, international adoption, being adopted, sports and our children, television, alternatives to video media, adolescence, raising our daughters, and many more.

頁數 200 pages
ISBN: 1869890868
1 x 律動按摩
1 x 囡仔詩系列 /台灣點心歌
1 x 自閉症譜系障礙-理解與日常實踐
1 x 玩,也能學好數學
1 x 囝仔詩系列 /台灣節日童謠
1 x 病是教養出來的 3 : 十二感官之初階感官
1 x 聆聽中的人 從醫學談音樂實質
1 x [二手]麻球玩布日記
1 x 糖-嗜甜成癮
1 x Bunting Baby 木人#BEE(W-005)
1 x [二手]我的雅致小扁包
1 x 兒童健康指南-零至十八歲的身心靈發展
1 x 人智醫學及其療癒方法
1 x Celebrating Festivals with Children
1 x Child from Birth to Three in W. E. and Child Care
1 x Nurturing Potential in the Kindergarten Years
1 x 藍染印花多層次收納包
1 x Cinderella
2 x 蜂蠟茶燈
1 x 有機棉-布衛生棉組
1 x 中束口包
1 x Charlie's Magical Carnival
1 x Supporting Self-Directed Play
1 x Dragon Baked Bread
1 x 羊毛條/閃亮色系/ - 100g
1 x Beyond the Rainbow Bridge
1 x CHOROI五音笛(無笛片)
1 x 貝殼橢圓包
1 x A Year in Our New Garden
1 x 藍染花布燈籠包
1 x 大塔扣包
1 x As My Heart Awakes
1 x 點燃語言藝術(簡體書)
2 x 茶燈燭杯(玻璃)
1 x Childhood
1 x 蝶兒手提包
1 x Angel
1 x The First Three Years of the Child-預訂
1 x All the Way to Lhasa
1 x 白色羊毛條-1000g
1 x 羊毛條/糖果色系/ - 100g
1 x The First Seven Years
1 x 藍染花布春響肩背包
1 x The Incarnating Child-預訂
1 x 療癒人類和地球(原名:社會化農耕)(簡體書)
1 x From Kindergarten into the Grades
1 x Children of the forest-預訂
1 x 心花朵朵手提包
1 x 美國 35%羊毛布 / 彩虹 8 色 / 組(wool-014-8B)
1 x 羊毛條/長纖美麗諾 A /-80g(水洗用)
1 x Tell Me a Story
1 x 睡眠(簡體書)
1 x An Illustrated Treasury of Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales
1 x Aunt Brown's Birthday
1 x 藍染花布抽繩大貝殼包
1 x Carl Larsson's Home, Family and Farm
1 x 小魚刺繡包
1 x 羊毛條/森林色系/ - 100g
1 x 大棉襖包
1 x Dancing Hand, Trotting Pony
1 x 里拉琴-琴弦 / e" /
1 x 羊毛條/彩虹色系/-100g
1 x A Waldorf Doll Nativity
1 x 姆指琴(CH-008)
1 x Creating a Home for Body, Soul, and Spirit
1 x 藍染花布白玫瑰肩背包
1 x choroi 7弦
1 x CHOROI五音木笛 - 保養油 /罐(小罐)(CH-009)
1 x CHOROI七音笛(無笛片)
1 x Around the Year(繪本)
1 x Children of the forest-迷你本
1 x 藍染花布肩背包
1 x 植物染棉布大提(肩)包
1 x 美國 35%羊毛布 / 環保小布塊(7色) / 組
1 x 棕色竹節手工拼布包
1 x Cherry Blossom and Paper Planes
1 x Bear Child
1 x 羊毛條/長纖美麗諾 B /-80g(水洗用)
1 x Creative Felt: Felting and Making More Toys and Gifts預訂
1 x Fast, Fun & Easy Needle Felting
1 x Autobiography預訂
1 x Metamorphoses of Light
1 x Amish Doll Patterns
1 x Crocheting Soft Toys
1 x Darning
1 x An Illustrated Treasury of Swedish Folk and Fairy Tales
1 x 魔術方塊積木(T-023)
1 x 逗號燭台(木製)
1 x 松木遊戲架(H-038)
1 x Crafts through the Year
1 x A Felt Farm
1 x A Swedish Christmas
1 x Raphael's Madonnas-Images for the Soul預訂
1 x An Amish Nativity
1 x 木製蠟燭燭台(H-102)
1 x Goethe's Faust in the Light of Anthroposophy
1 x More Radiant than the Sun
1 x 橢圓桌椅組(一桌4椅)-迷你型
1 x Bare Hand Crafting
1 x 手工製沙包(H-072)
1 x 手工編織偶(H-131)
1 x Festivals Family and Food
1 x Intuition
1 x Beautiful Paper Stars
1 x Feltcraft
1 x Centering Prayer and the Healing of the Unconscious
1 x Pearls of Thought
1 x Creative Wool
1 x Arts and Crafts in Waldorf Schools
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