Imagination, 詩書坊



作者 標題:Artistic Sensitivity as a Spiritual Approach to Knowing Life and the World(CW 161)
Rudolf Steiner 
Translated by Rory Bradley
Introduction by Christopher Bamford 

Rudolf Steiner differentiated clearly between the spiritual concept of
Imagination and our everyday understanding of the word. As living,
pictorial thinking, Imagination is a primary aspect of the contemporary
path of inner development—the first of three levels of initiate knowledge
and cognition. Imagination leads us into a world of flowing, living pictures,
a realm of soul and spirit where everything is in continuous movement. 

This anthology offers a survey of the diverse aspects of Imagination and
imaginative cognition. As these thematically reordered texts show,
Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual philosophy (Anthroposophy) is itself often
pictorial and imaginative. Steiner formulated many of its fundamental
concepts, including the evolution of the world and the human being,
in vivid, living imagery. However, while imaginative perception leads
us to the threshold of the spiritual world, we can also succumb there
to illusions, visions, and hallucinations. 

This volume, collected by Edward de Boer, draws on the entirety of
Rudolf Steiner’s collected works, including his earliest writings and
passages from his numerous lectures. Its purpose is to stimulate readers
to practice, deepen, and extend their own imaginative consciousness.
Steiner’s commentary on “exemplary Imaginations” encourages
further study, contemplation, and training of one’s own pictorial thinking. 

頁數 174頁


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