Making Geometry, 詩書坊


Making Geometry

Making Geometry

 Jon Allen
Jon Allen has been a practicing architect for twenty-five years.
He has worked closely with Keith Critchlow, a world authority
on geometry, and has developed a particular interest in the
application of geometry in architectural design. He lives in London.


Following on from his successful Drawing Geometry,
Jon Allen explores the creation of the many-sided
three-dimensional forms known as the Platonic and
Archimedean solids. Based on patterns of equally
spaced points on a sphere, these polyhedra have been
the fundamentals of geometric exploration for millennia.

Many professionals find that they need to know how to
build three-dimensional shapes accurately and understand
the principles behind them. This unique book shows the reader
how to make models of all the Platonic and Archimedean
solids, as well as several other polyhedra and stellated forms.
It provides systematic instructions for constructing the
three-dimensional forms and shows how to draw out accurately
the geometry of the paperfold nets.

Beginners and experienced artists and designers alike will find
this book a source of practical guidance, delight, and inspiration
that will amply repay the careful attention needed to construct
the models.

頁數 136頁
備註  ISBN: 9780863159145

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