Nurturing Potential in the Kindergarten Years, 詩書坊


Nurturing Potential in the Kindergarten Years

Nurturing Potential in the Kindergarten Years
作者 Cornelis Boogerd was born in 1952 in the Netherlands and studied social sciences at Driebergen. Since 1990, he has helped establish Waldorf schools and teacher training in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
出版社  Floris Books
英文說明    The kindergarten yearshen children are between about three and six years of agere some of the most formative in their development. At the heart of early years, Waldorf education is the concept of ife forces,� or one theric body.� To help children grow into healthy adults who can fulfill their potential, these forces must be recognized and nurtured properly.

This book is essential reading for any teacher or parent. It offers accessible ways to understand and visualize the difficult concept of life forces in children. It also provides practical examples of how to nurture children at different educational stages and to stimulate healthy and active development.

Although the author addresses challenging ideas, this book will be both inspiring and empowering for anyone involved with young children.

頁數 256 pages

ISBN: 9780863158360

January 2012

1 x Spirit and Art
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