Therapeutic Storytelling, 詩書坊


Therapeutic Storytelling

Therapeutic Storytelling

Susan Perrow is a story-loving Australian with thirty years experience in teaching, teacher training, storytelling, storywriting, parent consulting and course facilitating. She is also a mother of three adult sons, and four grandchildren. For the past 15 years, she has worked in teacher training in Australia, Africa, Europe and Asia; developed a 150 hour unit on Storytelling for Southern Cross University (NSW, Australia); and completed her masters degree research on cross-cultural storytelling (post-apartheid South Africa).
出版社  Hawthorn Press

Susan Perrow passionately believes that "stories know the way." Working with imaginative journeys and the mystery and magic of metaphor, she has developed the art of therapeutic storytelling for challenging behavior in children and difficult situations. She offers a tried-and-tested method for creating a unique story for a child to help resolve issues and build emotional resilience and character.



This treasury of 101 new healing stories address a range of issues � from unruly behaviour to grieving, anxiety, lack of confidence, bullying, teasing, nightmares, intolerance, inappropriate talk, toileting, bedwetting and much more. The stories also have the potential for nurturing positive values.

Create your own therapeutic stories, using handy tips, exercises and methods such as the "metaphor, journey, and resolution framework." Therapeutic Storytelling includes suitable behavior stories for children aged 3 to 10 years old; how to use of healing stories for global and national challenging situations; how to develop storytelling skills using useful tips and anecdotes; as well as modern and traditional wisdom tales from around the world.

頁數 256 pages
ISBN: 9781907359156


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