Storytelling for Life, 詩書坊

NT$850 NT$765

Storytelling for Life

Storytelling for Life
作者 Josie Felce began working with stories as a puppeteer in the 1980s and became a professional storyteller in the mid-1990s. She taught in a Waldorf school for eight years, where she experienced the importance of stories for human development. She plays the folk harp and lives in Gloucestershire.
出版社  Floris Books
英文說明 This practical and inspirational book introduces readers to the value of storytelling throughout life, discussing the importance of traditional tales, and how they can transform our lives from childhood through to old age.

Children develop emotional intelligence by being immersed in stories that deal with the challenges they face in growing up. Josie Felce discusses the use of stories in the Waldorf school curriculum, and hopes to pass on this wisdom to a wider audience. She goes on to discuss the therapeutic value of stories throughout our adult lives, how they help us to approach challenges creatively, giving examples of how stories can be used for group-development sessions.

Josie Felce considers the difference between telling and reading a story, offering practical advice on body language and presentation skills. Throughout the book she recommends suitable stories for different age groups and situations, with examples of how to adapt stories and tailor them for your audience.


頁數 144 pages

ISBN: 9780863159237

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