Bunting Baby 木人#BEE(W-005), 詩書坊


Bunting Baby 木人#BEE(W-005)

Bunting Baby 木人#BEE(W-005)
英文名稱 Bunting Baby  Wood Folk/Wood Bee/Baby Body Peg Doll


 相關手工書 :



Cute little bunting baby or bumble bee.

Essentially the same size as the Tiny Peg Doll.  Find patterns in the book Making Peg Dolls or make up your own! 

Ages 3 and up.

尺寸  高3.2CM,直徑 1.4CM(1-1/4" Tall x 5/8" Diameter)

 此為一個的價格。 // 木製產品 : 兩次磨砂處理,表面細緻。 //


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