Authentic Parenting, 詩書坊


Authentic Parenting

Authentic Parenting
出版社  SteinerBooks

  Authentic Parenting
A Four-Temperaments Guide to Your Child and Yourself

Bari Borsky’s sanguine temperament has taken her on a journey that includes travel through twenty-six countries and four careers. Her interest in the four temperaments began in 1971 when she joined an anthroposophic group that studied the soul and spiritual nature of humankind, and the development of human consciousness. Knowledge of the four temperaments helped members of the group to develop understanding for one another’s personality. This allowed for powerful and harmonious collaboration on community development projects. Along with her partner, Bari created and ran a decorative accessory manufacturing business for seventeen years. After selling the business in 2002, she brought her love for community development, business knowledge, and social skills to Highland Hall Waldorf School as Development Director. In 2010 she joined the Grief Coach Academy, where she is a certified Heartbreak to Happiness grief recovery and life coach. In 2011 Bari started Bari Clarity Coaching. Her mission is to help parents find joy through understanding their children, and to help adults navigate heartbreak by learning how to appreciate and love themselves. More information can be found at


頁數 93頁
備註  ISBN: 9781621480464,2013。

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