Cancer Recovery Guide, 詩書坊


Cancer Recovery Guide

Cancer Recovery Guide
出版社  Hawthorn Press


Cancer Recovery Guide: 15 Alternative and Complementary Strategies for Restoring Health

Jonathan Chamberlain

I am a writer who has been hijacked by life. When my daughter, Stevie, exploded into my life with all the problems she had to cope with I ended up founding two charities for children with developmental disabilities (and wrote a memoir of this time in my book: Wordjazz for Stevie) - then when my wife was diagnosed with cancer I had a new battle on my hands - and this led to a series of cancer books starting with Fighting Cancer: A Survival Guide (1996) to the latest book The Cancer Survivor's Bible (2012) - see my website and cancer blog I am now seeking to get back to my writing career and in recent years have published the rather controversial novel, The Alphabet of Vietnam, and my comic take on the London 2012 Olympics (Dreams of Gold) - I have also started a blog In Praise of Older Books


Offers an overview of alternative or complementary strategies to take control of their healing from cancer. This book presents 15 strategies for becoming well again grouped in three families: those relating to the mind and the emotions; those relating to the health of the whole body; and, those that focus on directly attacking the cancer tumours.

頁數 176頁
備註  ISBN: 9781905570140,2008。

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