The Blue Forest-預訂, 詩書坊


The Blue Forest-預訂

The Blue Forest-預訂
出版社 / 作者


About the Author
Daniela Drescher was born in Munich and trained in art therapy. 
She has worked with children for several years and is an illustrator 
for a parenting magazine. She is the author of In the Land of Fairies,
In the Land of Elves, In the Land of Merfolk, What's Hiding in There?, 
Merlina and the Magic Spell, Little Fairy Can't Sleep, 
Little Fairy's Christmas and Lily the Little Princess


The Blue Forest is a collection of seven highly imaginative bedtime stories 
one story for each night of the week, and each story featuring one of seven colors. 
The stories, set in a magical blue forest, tell of mysterious nighttime 
events and relationships involving humans and animals and nature.

In the first story, a small girl, wearing a dress as white as the stars and 
embroidered with fine golden thread, walks a path through the forest 
of blue trees. While making her way through the silent woods, 
she discovers a casket of jewels from which she selects a silver ring. 
As she places it on her finger it twinkles in unison with a star, 
which just at that moment peers through the foliage of a nearby tree. 
In the last story an old woman tends a garden where the flowers unfold 
at nightfall to greet the stars. While the old woman sings and plants 
blue seedlings, a pink butterfly alights on her head. When she turns 
back to the garden path to her house, the pink butterfly flutters 
off into the dark woods, arriving at a simple hut where a girl in 
a white dress with golden embroidery sleeps. The seventh story 
thus joins the tales into a circle.

Other characters in The Blue Forest include: a red bird whose 
mellifluous song inspires dreams, a boy who is led by a blue bird to 
a murky pond where an enormous golden flower blossoms before 
his eyes, an astrologer who paints stars from his purple tower, 
a fish family that transports raindrop-jewels to a secret subterranean 
sea cave, a mother and baby possum who chance on a mysterious 
emerald-green sanctuary while seeking refuge from a sudden storm.

The tales of The Blue Forest have an innovative and artistic character
that explores the genre of bedtime stories in a new way. They were 
conceived and composed as bedtime stories in the most emphatic sense: 
their vivid painterly depictions, enigmatic occurrences, and archetypal 
imagery make the tales resemble the non-discursive and ethereal 
dreamscape of sleep. The stories enliven the imagination in a way 
that leads the reader and listener seamlessly from the clear outlines 
of the waking world into the elusive realm of dreams.

The luminous illustrations by Stephanie Young and Tim Smith beautifully serve the soothing and magical qualities of the stories.


48 pages


 Hardcover – March 13, 2015

ISBN-13: 978-1584201472


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2 x 01-教育的藝術-再版到書
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-膚色(Blush)(五碼)
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1 x 08-人智學啟迪下的兒童教育
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