Why Children Don't Listen--缺頁出清, 詩書坊


Why Children Don't Listen--缺頁出清

Why Children Don\'t Listen--缺頁出清
作者 Monika Kiel-Hinrichsen has many years' experience as a teacher and a communication consultant. She is married with five children and lives in Switzerland.
出版社  Floris Books

What can you do when a child just won't listen? How we speak to one another is at the very heart of human relationships. Children are frequently much better than adults at reading between the lines and deciphering the messages we send out through body language and our tone of voice.

Here is an invaluable handbook for parents and teachers on how to communicate better with children. It covers all aspects of talking and listening to children, including speaking to children of different ages, the effect your voice has, and understanding the wider situation in which the conversation is taking place.

The author translates the theory into practical, everyday solutions. She argues that it's not what we say, but how we say itnd more important, how well we listen to the answershat matters. ~

What can you do when a child just won't listen? How we speak to one another is at the very heart of human relationships. Children are frequently much better than adults at reading between the lines and deciphering the messages we send out through body language and our tone of voice.

Here is an invaluable handbook for parents and teachers on how to communicate better with children. It covers all aspects of talking and listening to children, including speaking to children of different ages, the effect your voice has, and understanding the wider situation in which the conversation is taking place.

The author translates the theory into practical, everyday solutions. She argues that it's not what we say, but how we say itnd more important, how well we listen to the answershat matters.


頁數 224 pages
備註  ISBN: 9780863155741

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