The Archetypal Plant, 詩書坊


The Archetypal Plant

The Archetypal Plant

Angela Lord 

Rudolf Steiner painted his “Archetypal Plant” watercolor in 1924, 
when contemporary scientific methodologies were emerging and
 nature was being examined under the microscope. In contrast to 
the dissecting, analytical tendencies of natural science, 
however, Steiner’s painting depicts the living, dynamic potential
 behind the plant—lifting us out of the specific genus and providing
 an image of the growing, formative forces inherent within each 
individual plant.

Researching Steiner’s painting of the archetypal plant can help 
reconnect our outer sense perceptions with the inner realm of 
imaginative cognition, aiding our release from the spell of 
matter. To support and enliven such research work and processes,
 Angela Lord surveys her subject from various aspects, 
including the historical, evolutionary relationships we share
 with plants; representations of plants in art and architecture;
 plant myths and legends; poetry inspired by flower imagery;
 cosmic aspects of nature, including Earth’s relationships to the
 Sun, Moon, planets, and stars; formative, creative forces of
 colors and their relationships to plant forms; and, finally,
 working artistically and painting the archetypal plant motif itself.

In developing a broad overview, the author forms a deeper, more complete 
picture of the plant world, paying homage to its diverse characteristics, and 
stimulating new perceptions and perspectives. 

The Archetypal Plant is richly illustrated with full-color images.

 126頁 (全彩印刷)




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