THE ONE of the Emerald Tablet(預訂), 詩書坊


THE ONE of the Emerald Tablet(預訂)

THE ONE of the Emerald Tablet(預訂)
出版社  Steiner Books
作者   Anna Lups 

“Interpreting the final drawing from the Child Artist is for me the beginning of an exploration into the 
meaning of this exquisite gift he placed in my hands. As in the Gnostic myth, it involves a polarity. 
The Good and the Evil present themselves in their balanced capacity. Humanity meets the 
devouring monster and can slay it only after many painful sojourns into the depth of the Earth.
 On the horizontal plane, the domain of darkness, cacophony, and false gods, the overpowering
 jaws can annihilate me. It attacks my life force; it comes to me in the guise of a huge head with 
ferocious teeth; its small triangular body is chaotic, and the limbs are rudimentary. Is this me?
 The question lingers: Who can be identified as the Child Artist? Still in our midst, how can he
 be met? Do we want to pave a way to better listening and understanding?” 
(from the book)

We are far more than we think we are. A profound statement that slowly sinks in as a reality
during the study of the drawings and the texts that become the material for the stories of all the
members of humankind.

Introduced through the autobiography of a female physician practicing in the Columbia County
region of rural upstate New York, this is a book that invites the reader to join in the journey that
each human being will undertake into earthly life and the wisdoms learned in the process of

Filled with gratitude for this testimony of hope in the miracle that is human, as well as the
attention it draws to past scholars whose knowing is profound but often ignored, this book
serves as a reference for future students who find themselves ready for the combined study
of the natural and spiritual sciences.


“In the tradition of Paracelsus, Goethe, Novalis, Hahnemann, and Steiner, Dr. Lups weaves alchemy
out of the art of an anonymous, brilliant six-year-old “Child Artist” into a tapestry of symbolism,
healing, and wisdom—including many surprises—such as an esoteric explanation of the 4-H Club.
A magical Text!” —
Peter Lamborn Wilson, author, Green Hermeticism: Alchemy and Ecology and False Documents

“Anna Lups’s marvelous memoir traces a pathway of cure, from health of the outer person to the
inner esoterics of the soul, from allopathy to anthroposophic medicine. A lengthy sojourn through
archetypal research to spiritual alchemy, she is guided by the questions ‘Who am I?’ ‘Where
are my beginning and my end?’ and provides inspiration in the art of living to readers of all
pursuits. A work of immense creativity.” —
David Appelbaum, PhD, former editor of 
Parabola Magazine, Professor of Philosophy, SUNY New Paltz 

  • Prologue
  • Introduction
  • Gallery of the Child Artist
  • Quality of Numbers
  • Sound A
  • Sound E
  • Sound I
  • Sound O
  • Sound U
  • Epilogue
  • References and Recommended Reading

Cover painting by Liane Collot d'Herbois. 


Pages : 152


 ISBN : 9781621481645

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