Learning to See the World through Drawing, 詩書坊

NT$1,000 NT$950

Learning to See the World through Drawing

Learning to See the World through Drawing

出版社 / 作者

AWSNA/Elizabeth Auer


Practical Advice for the Classroom 

Grades One through Eight

A clear approach to a drawing in grades one through eight in Waldorf Schools,
or in any schools, is long overdue and here at last! Packed with color and
black and white drawings, with clear, step-wise ways to build competence
in drawing skills and inspiring the same competence in students,
this bookon drawing will give you confidence and methods for
practicing. There is nothing that can underscore a teacher's authority
in the eyes of children as sound drawing techniques.
Elizabeth Auer provides effective and clear instructions, creative
ideas for drawings, and specific approaches to utilizing different


"Learning to See the World through Drawing" is a "must
have" for any teacher or anyone wishing to learn how to
draw, how to practice, what materials to use while
learning, and techniques toward mastery! It is a rich
resource and compendium of drawing wisdom.



Mom’s Choice Awards has identified this book as highly
valuable for adult readers.

The Mom’s Choice Awards® (MCA) evaluates products and
services created for children, families and educators.
The program is globally recognized for establishing the benchmark
of excellence in family-friendly media, products and services.
The organization is based in the United States and has reviewed
thousands of entries from more than 55 countries.

 頁數  132 頁內文有彩色印刷



1 x Artistic Sensitivity as a Spiritual Approach to Knowing Life and
2 x 色鉛筆袋F-007
1 x 顛覆傳統認知的營養學(簡體書)(BC-022)
1 x 有機棉-布衛生棉組
1 x 蝶兒手提包
1 x Books for the Journey - A Guide to the World of Reading
1 x 繪本 : 伊索寓言(簡體書)
1 x Movement Journeys and Circle Adventures vol.2
1 x Symbols of Eternity
1 x Stockmar-16色蠟磚(鐵盒)
1 x 我是Apple
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)16*16cm(亮面11色)(H-127)
1 x 我是Orange
1 x 小黑板(H-134)
1 x 親子髮夾一對
1 x 蠟磚蠟筆袋(橘色)(F-008)
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)22*22cm(亮面11色)(H-127-1)
1 x 窗花紙(日本絲綢紙)16*16cm (20色共240張)(H-126)
1 x 我是Kiwi
1 x 我是一片雲
1 x 窗花紙(日本絲綢)24*24cm (20色共240張)(H-126-1)
1 x 我是Lemon
1 x 蠟磚蠟筆袋(粉色)F-009
1 x 蠟磚蠟筆袋(灰紫色)F-009
1 x 鋼筆卡式 墨水管/10支
1 x 草莓甜甜圈
1 x On the Play of the Child
1 x 我是小白兔
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)50*70cm(亮面11色各1)(H-127-3)
1 x 粉紅愛心
1 x S 綠鋼筆(1.1mm)/含 7支墨水管
1 x 羊毛氈色鉛筆袋(淺咖啡色)
1 x S 藍鋼筆(1.5mm)/含 7支墨水管
1 x 粉紅泡泡
1 x 蠟磚蠟筆袋(藍色)(F-008)
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)50*70cm(亮面11色)(H-127-2)
1 x MERCURIUS 彩色粉筆(12色)
1 x MERCURIUS 彩色粉筆(16色)
1 x 窗花紙(風箏紙)16*16cm(亮面5色)(H-128)
1 x 羊毛氈色鉛筆袋(深咖啡色)
1 x 娃娃家-家具組A(廚房)(T-027)
1 x Seeds for Social Renewal
1 x Tell Me a Story
1 x 02-善、美、真的學校-華德福教育入門
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (04號-金黃)
1 x 故事是教養的魔法棒
1 x The Incarnating Child-預訂
1 x Rainbows, Halos, Dawn, and Dusk
1 x 蜂蠟茶燭 六角盒
1 x Mystery of the Universe
1 x 08-人智學啟迪下的兒童教育
1 x 華德福教育的本質
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (10號-藍)
1 x Beyond the Rainbow Bridge
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