Crafts through the Year, 詩書坊


Crafts through the Year

Crafts through the Year
出版社 Floris Books

這本書全面包括兒童在家裡做或上學的工藝品。詳細的說明、 關係圖和彩色照片製作一系列季節項有:

從裝飾雞蛋和 pompoms、 稻草和折紙動物,到秋天花環、 燈籠、 喜慶的花圈和紙視窗星星。


這是一個完全修改的編譯的耶誕節、 復活節、 和收穫工藝書籍。




This comprehensive book includes crafts for children to make at home or school.

Detailed instructions, diagrams and color photographs on making a range of seasonal

items are given: from decorated eggs and pompoms, straw and origami animals,

to autumn garlands, lanterns, festive wreaths and paper window stars.

Packed with enjoyable projects, this is the perfect resource

for both parents and teachers.

This is a fully revised compilation of the Christmas, Easter,

and Harvest Craft Books.


Thomas Berger studied graphics and worked in printing and publishing in Holland.

He and his wife Petra have published several books on celebrating the festivals and seasons

of the year with children.

頁數  172

ISBN:9780863158285   ,軟皮,整本銅板印刷。


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