Mini Knitted Safari: 27 Tiny Animals to Knit(預訂), 詩書坊


Mini Knitted Safari: 27 Tiny Animals to Knit(預訂)

Mini Knitted Safari: 27 Tiny Animals to Knit(預訂)
出版社  Search Press 


Knitters of all skill levels will love to make this charming, fun mini safari park scene. 
Sachiyo Ishii has created 27 delightful mini knitted creatures and a safari mat, arched 
gateway, four-by-four and camper van to complete the scene. It is easy to knit with 
one basic pattern and sewing up guide for most of the animals, and uses small amounts
 of readily available yarn. There are clear, simple knitting patterns and step by step
 photographs and instructions for all other techniques such as sewing up, stuffing 
and basic embroidery.
頁數 96頁

ISBN: 978-1844489916,全彩,銅版紙印刷。


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