Fairy Worlds and Workers, 詩書坊


Fairy Worlds and Workers

Fairy Worlds and Workers
作者 A Natural History of Fairyland (2nd Edition)
Marjorie Spock Illustrated by Ingrid Gibb 

"Sylphs" by Ingrid Gibb

Throughout the ages, people have given the fairy kingdom various names. To some
it was Paradise, to others Tir-nan-Og, Avalon, Country Underneath the Sea, the World
of Immortal Youth, Land of Heart’s Desire, Land of Life, the Middle Kingdom. Where
exactly is that country? Fairy tles, which are the stories of this kingdom, are not only
folk literature, but also accounts of more subtle layers of fact, clothed in poetic imagery.

Rudolf Steiner was a close observer of the fairy kingdom and gave many lectures that
describe the work of its inhabitants, whom he spoke of as the 
elementals. It was clear
to Steiner that the elementals are of great importance to the Earth, charged not only
with the maintenance of Nature's household, but also with her evolutionary plans. He
also spoke of how vital it is for us to come to know the fairy workers and to honor the
work they do, so that their efforts prosper to carry the earth forward in its evolution.

Marjorie Spock draws aside the veil obscuring the life of the "Little People" and makes
their magic world come alive for us. This delightful, engaging book offers a profound,
yet simple, introduction to fairyland and its workers: Undines, thewater spirits; Gnomes,
the earth spirits; Sylphs, the air spirits; and the Fire Spirits. Included are Ingrid Gibb's
brush drawings of these four races of Little People.  

頁數 48頁
備註  ISBN: 978-1-62148-025-9 

1 x Physiology and Healing
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (10號-藍)
1 x 聽星星在唱歌
1 x 媽媽木人(Angel Peg Doll)W-002
1 x 象護之旅
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (13號-咖啡)
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (08號-綠)
1 x Stockmar-16色蠟筆(鐵盒)
1 x An English Manual
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (12號-紫)
1 x 女孩木人(H-009-3)
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (04號-金黃)
1 x Medicine-An Introductory Reader
1 x An English Grammar(B-057)
1 x 小木人(Boy Peg Doll )-#1006(W-004)
1 x 天使/精靈木人-#21A(W-003)
1 x 寶寶木人(H-007-2)
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (02號-紅)
1 x Practical Home Care Medicine
1 x 色彩精靈
1 x 松木廚房寶貝架(H-039)
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (05號-檸檬黃)
1 x 光的小孩
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (06號-淺綠)
1 x A Handbook for Steiner-Waldorf Class Teachers
1 x 戴帽木人I(H-008-6)
1 x A Modern Art of Education
1 x 姆指琴(CH-008)
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (24號-粉紅色)
1 x Stockmar-8色蠟磚+8色蠟筆(鐵盒)
1 x 大木人(組) /25入(W-001-1)
1 x Nutrition and Education-預訂
1 x If the Organs Could Speak
1 x Home Nursing for Carers
1 x Bunting Baby 木人#BEE(W-005)
1 x Stockmar-8色蠟筆(華得福配色)(鐵盒)
1 x An Outline of Esoteric Science預訂
1 x 木-大雪人(H-005-SNT)
1 x Parenting with Values
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (11號-紫)
1 x Parenting for a Healthy Future
1 x 大天使(片)(H-008-18)
1 x 巧手染-彩虹亮光絲綢披風(H-101)
1 x An Unknown Destiny-預訂
1 x A Student's Workbook for Mathematics in Class 6
1 x A Study Companion to An Outline of Esoteric Science
1 x 娃娃衣架(木) / 3入(H-039)
1 x Meditations for Times of Day and Seasons of the Year
1 x Stockmar-12色蠟筆(紙盒)
1 x A Practical Guide to Curative Education
1 x A Student's Workbook for Mathematics in Class 7
1 x 大木人#20(W-001)
1 x 教孩子讀懂文學的19堂課
1 x choroi 7弦
1 x 女士木人(H-009-4)
1 x 大手腳木人-D17(H-012)
1 x Stockmar-32色蠟筆(紙盒)
1 x A Psychology of Human Dignity
1 x 木 鈴鐺(W-010)
1 x 巨大燈塔(木)(W-009)
1 x 媽媽木人II(W-002-1)預定
1 x How Does The Human Being Move?-預訂
1 x Managing Screen Time
1 x Stockmar 8色蠟筆(鐵盒)- 基本配色
1 x 讓光叫醒我
1 x Jungian Symbolic Psychology
1 x Parenting a Path Through Childhood
1 x Millennial Child
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