Movement Journeys and Circle Adventures, 詩書坊

NT$1,200 NT$800

Movement Journeys and Circle Adventures

Movement Journeys and Circle Adventures
作者 Nancy Blanning and Laurie Clark
What a joy! Here is an entire book filled not just with
charming circle games and songs for the kindergarten,
but with charming games and songs that have been created
to help our young children find their way into their
bodies and souls. In more prosaic language, these games
and movement songs address the spatial integration and

sensory processing development issues that it seems more and more
children are struggling with.

However you think about it, this is a book of genius and
a gift to young children. The games are delightful -
teachers and parents will have as much fun and the children.
And, they are brilliantly thought out to include movement
forms that will bring the children into the world in with
strength and balance.

頁數  113頁
備註  原版即環狀裝釘,可接受再下單

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