Movement Journeys and Circle Adventures vol.2, 詩書坊


Movement Journeys and Circle Adventures vol.2

Movement Journeys and Circle Adventures vol.2
作者 Nancy Blanning and Laurie Clark
A collection of all new material, plus a reprint of useful essays on the twelve senses
 and sensory development, building upon the foundation established in Volume One. 
There are new sections on movement to nursery rhymes, bean bag imaginations for 
young children, and some pedagogical contemplation on what stands behind the 
visible movements and activities we do to support the child's incarnation on subtle 
as physical levels.
頁數  154頁
備註  原版即環狀裝釘,可接受再下單

1 x A Lifetime of Joy
1 x An Amish Nativity
1 x Creative Felt: Felting and Making More Toys and Gifts預訂
1 x Festivals Family and Food
1 x Birth and Breastfeeding
1 x Biography and Waldorf Education
1 x 巧手染玩耍披風(單塊)(H-140)
1 x Anthroposophic Nursing Practice
1 x 娃娃藤籃(大)(H-141)
1 x Colour Dynamics II
1 x Conversations about Painting with Rudolf Steiner
1 x 彩虹積木(中)
1 x Anthroposophy and Natural Sciences
1 x A Child's Way-Slowing Down for Goodness Sake
1 x 彈弓(木製)(T-003)
1 x Art History as a Reflection of Inner Spiritual Impulses
1 x Awakening to Child Health
1 x 娃娃家-家具組D(客廳組)(T-030)
1 x An Artist's Book of Inspiration
1 x Anthroposophic Medicine and Therapies for Cancer
1 x Couple's Illumination-DVD
1 x Art, Aesthetics and Colour
1 x 原色手工積木(32塊)(H-103)
1 x Childhood Illnesses and Immunizations
1 x Children's Destinies
2 x Colour, Healing, and the Human Soul
1 x 巧手染彩虹絲布(H-138)
1 x 原色手工積木(52塊)(T-017)
1 x A Life with Colour
1 x 娃娃家-家具組C(浴室組)(T-029)
1 x A Wound Awoke Me
1 x An Inner Journey through the Year
1 x Blessed by Illness
1 x 娃娃家-21件家具組(T-011)
1 x Art Therapy in Practice
1 x Adventures in Parenting
1 x 彩色櫸木疊疊平衡石(20粒)(T-043)
1 x Coloring With Block Crayons - Book & DVD Set-需預訂
1 x 娃娃家-家具組A(廚房)(T-027)
1 x 原木溜溜球(H-119)
1 x Calm Kids
1 x Confronting Conflict
1 x Art as Seen in the Light of Mystery Wisdom
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