Autobiography預訂, 詩書坊



作者 副標題:Chapters in the Course of My Life, 1861-1907 (CW 28)
Rudolf Steiner 
Translated by Rita Stebbing
Introduction by Christopher Bamford 
Revised and Updated by SteinerBooks 
Written in weekly installments for Das Goetheanum, 
December 9, 1923 - April 5, 1925 (CW 28)

  • “Because I entered this world with defined soul predispositions, and because the course of my life, as expressed in my biogra­phy, is determined by those predispositions, as a spiritual human being I must have existed before my birth. As a being of spirit, I must be the repetition of someone through whose biography mine can be explained. In each life the human spirit appears as a repetition of itself with the fruits of experi­ences during previous lives. —Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner seldom spoke of himself in a personal way, but in his Autobiography we are offered a rare glimpse into some of the most intimate aspects of his inner life, his personal relationships, and significant events that helped to shape the philosopher, seer, and teacher he became. 

This edition restores the original format of seventy chapters, just as Rudolf Steiner wrote them and
submitted them to the Goetheanum weekly newsletter. This autobiography is not merely a narrative
of his successes and failures, but primarily the story of a soul possessed of a precise and probing
scientific mind and a natural clairvoyant ability to see into the spiritual world. 

Although naturally clairvoyant, Rudolf Steiner always recognized the integrity and importance of
modern scientific methods. Thus he developed a modern discipline he called 
Anthroposophy and
Spiritual Science. During the century that followed the events related in this autobiography,
Steiner's insights have touched and enriched numerous areas of life in ways that continue to
transform people’s lives in the twenty-first century. 

This illustrated, revised, updated, and expanded edition was the first volume to be released in
The Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner.This series will eventually collect all of the English
translations of Rudolf Steiner's works—including many never before in English—into an
attractive and uniform set of his written and spoken words.

Image: Rudolf Steiner, 1896, the year he finished his work at the Goethe-Schiller Archives.

  • Contents:

  • Series Foreword, Introduction, and Chronological Context
  • Part 1: Seeds of Awakening, Wiener-Neustadt to Vienna, 1861-1890
  • Part 2: Fertile Ground, Weimar, 1890-1897
  • Part 3: Must I Remain Unable to Speak?, Berlin, 1897-1907
  • A Chronology of Rudolf Steiner’s Life and Work by Paul Allen
  • Editorial and Reference Notes by Paul Allen (updated)
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Index

This volume is a translation from German of «Mein Lebensgang» (GA 28). 
A previous translation was titled The Course of My Life (1951).  
頁數 416頁



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