Stockmar-8色蠟磚+8色蠟筆(鐵盒), 詩書坊

NT$1,080 NT$650


廠商 德國史都曼 Stockmar
中文說明  適合各種年紀的小朋友使用,德國原裝進口,純天然蜂蜜製作,
Stockmar Beeswax Crayons promise years of drawing pleasure. 

The addition of pure beeswax enhances the brilliant pigment,

creates a high degree of opacity similar to that of watercolor,

and results in a crayon with outstanding drawing properties

(no crumbling, sticking, smudging etc). Block crayons lend

themselves particularly well to wide-stroke drawing, allowing

one to easily and evenly cover large areas. Decorative borders

and effects are created by dragging the long edge of the block

in a wave-like fashion across the paper.

Sturdy tin holds 8 non-toxic crayons. ACMI/AP safety certified.

Ages 3 and up.


Colors: Carmine Red, Vermilion, Orange, Gold Yellow, Lemon Yellow,

Yellow Green, Green, Blue Green, Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Blue Violet, 

Red Violet, Rust, Yellow Brown, Black, White


Origin: Germany


鐵盒 。



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1 x A Swedish Christmas
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