Universe of the Human Body預訂, 詩書坊


Universe of the Human Body預訂

Universe of the Human Body預訂

Marko Pogacnik 

副標題:With Gaia Touch Body Exercises


Through the experiential science of Geomancy, knowledge has been gathered
over more than three decades about the Earth’s multidimensional levels of
reality and Gaia, the soul essence of our planet. Marko Pogacnik’s work as a
conceptual land artist, environmental healer, and educator reveals that,
although the succession of subtle changes within the human body that he
has observed over the last 15 years has been supported by the ongoing
systemic changes of Gaia’s planetary body, there is no doubt that if we
continue to ignore Gaia, there will be no escaping the devastating effects
of the ever more visible global Earth transformation process, the so-called
Climate Changes.

Using his experience in exploring the landscape through geomantic work,
Marko approaches the human body with a similar kind of multidimensional
perception. Decoding the human body in the context of what he calls Gaia’s
Earthly Cosmos, he shows us how to consciously enter our own body space
to experience it from inside and to activate our potentials to prepare our
body to meet the challenges of the coming changes.

As a practical guide as well as a theoretical introduction to the universe of
the human body, the concepts in this book are complemented with exercises
that were inspired by the elementals and other beings of many sacred places
of the Earth. These Gaia Touch body exercises are a combination of
imaginations and body movements in the form of body “cosmograms,” which
is a universal language that can be perceived by other beings of the Earth
and the cosmos. Practicing these exercises will stimulate personal development
in a way that enables us to become conscious co-creators with Gaia of the
new emerging reality that will touch all levels of existence on the Earth.

See below for a link to download the introduction, prologue, and chapter 1.
1. The Causal World of our Back Space and the Daylight World
2. Gaia’s Creative Hand
3. The Plant at the Core of Our Human Identity
4. We Share the Miracle of Being Alive with the Animal Kingdom
5. The Fairy Ancestors of the Human Race
6. The Human Being Manifested
7. Can Ego Be Considered as Somebody?
8. The Marvel of Matter
1. The Gaia-Centered Earthly Cosmos
2. Atomic Power — Dragon Consciousness
3. Sophia, the Divine Feminine
4. Angelic Membranes — the Cosmic Consciousness
1. Visiting the Home of the Personal Elemental Being
2. The Architecture of the Body
3. Materials Composing the House of the Body
4. The Heart System
5. The Creative Scale of the Body Organs
6. The Mystery of the Head
7. The Multidimensional Body
This book was originally published in German as 
Universum des Menschlichen Korpers (AT Verlag, 2015). 

頁數 258 pp.   
5 1/2" x 9" 
Illustrations: Drawings & Diagrams 
備註   ISBN:978-1-58420-986-7 
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1 x Festivals Together
1 x 彈性繃帶-1又1/2"吋寛(碼)(H-058)
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1 x Creating a Home for Body, Soul, and Spirit
1 x The First Three Years of the Child-預訂
1 x 大天使(片)(H-008-18)
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1 x Singing and Speaking the Child into Life
1 x [二手]麻球玩布日記
1 x Learning to See the World through Drawing
1 x A Psychology of Human Dignity
1 x An English Manual
1 x 大木人#20(W-001)
1 x 柔和彩虹積木
2 x 彈性繃帶-2又6/8吋 寛/碼(H-057-4)
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-咖啡色(半碼)預訂
1 x Games Children Sing and Play
1 x 羊毛條/森林色系/ - 100g
1 x 繪本 : 野葡萄(簡體書)
1 x I Love to Be Me
1 x 美國 35%羊毛布 / 環保小布塊(7色) / 組
1 x 心靈週曆
1 x 娃娃家-家具組A(廚房)(T-027)
1 x Helping Children on Their Way-預訂
1 x Peter and Lotta's Adventure
1 x 繪本 : 好夢寶貝B-美人魚(4冊)(簡體書)
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1 x Stockmar-8色蠟磚(主色,鐵盒)
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-膚色(Tan)(五碼)
1 x 手指偶木人-D23(W-018)
1 x Come Follow Me Vol.2 CD
1 x An Unknown Destiny-預訂
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1 x Winter Songbook
1 x Carl Larsson's Home, Family and Farm
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1 x Celebrating Festivals with Children
1 x 巧手染-彩虹亮光絲綢披風(H-101)
1 x 羊毛針(wool-010)
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-有機棉Fair(一碼)(H-077-3)
1 x 藍染花布白玫瑰肩背包
1 x CHOROI五音木笛 - 保養油(大罐)
1 x 羊毛條/閃亮色系/ - 100g
1 x 自我認知的三個維度(簡體書)(BC-019)
1 x A Year in the Woods
1 x 彩虹積木(大)
1 x I Am Different from You
1 x 棕色竹節手工拼布包
1 x Paper Folding with Children
1 x CHOROI五音笛(無笛片)
1 x 羊毛條/糖果色系/ - 100g
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