Handbook for Rhythmical Einreibungen, 詩書坊

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Handbook for Rhythmical Einreibungen

Handbook for Rhythmical Einreibungen
作者 According to Wegman / Hauschka
Edited by Monica Layer

Rhythmic Einreibungen are gentle forms of therapeutic
massage that can be used by nurses, care givers, and
therapists familiar with the methods and principles of
Anthroposophy. The German word Einreibung refers to
the application of oil or ointment to the body. The
methods, first developed eighty years ago by doctors
Ita Wegman and Margarethe Hauschka, were initially
used only in medicine and nursing, but they have since
been applied more broadly in other areas of health care,
nursing homes, hospitals, clinics, special education,
and social therapy.

This clear, comprehensive manual is intended for all those
who wish to use rhythmical Einreibungen professionally
or to renew and deepen their knowledge; those who have
had some training in the field and want to deepen their
knowledge; those who teach rhythmical Einreibungen; and
those who would like an in-depth introduction to this effective
healing method.

The book describes aspects of the anthroposophic image
of the human being that are relevant within the context. It
discusses important concepts for the application and
effectiveness of rhythmical Einreibungen. The book also
distinguishes between rhythmical massage and rhythmical
Einreibungen and offers details on how the rhythmic quality
is created for this particular therapy. The authors also describe
the techniques most important in nursing and offer specific
exercises that help develop the particular skills needed for
this procedure.

Dr. Margarethe Hauschka Stavenhagen, (1896?980) encountered
Anthroposophy before becoming a medical doctor. She learned
techniques of massage during her initial employment in her uncle
 clinic. As a preparation for her work in Dr. Husemann
clinic, and on his suggestion, she studied therapeutic eurythmy
and, later, helped Dr. Ita Wegman develop the method of the
rhythmic massage. In 1942, she marriage Dr. Rudolf Hauschka
in Vienna. Until her death in 1980, she taught and lectured on
rhythmic massage and art therapy.

頁數 176頁

ISBN: 9781902636764,本書以銅版紙印刷,

** 此特惠價格僅供網路訂單,謝謝。 **


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