Teaching Art History(預定), 詩書坊


Teaching Art History(預定)

Teaching Art History(預定)


 Van James


A comprehensive study of a lively Art History block in a Waldorf School, 
this book describes the transformation possible in adolescents when 
surrounded by beauty. It offers awareness of the glorious history of human 
expression through art and the ages of culture. The presentation is
 diverse and comprehensive. Often called "History through Art," this 
block of four weeks of intensive study, most often in the ninth grade, 
gives a compelling picture of the drive of human beings to express 
themselves, create beautiful things, and mark history as it is made. 
In the young, uncertainty can fall away when engaged in viewing, 
appreciating, and understanding the incredible treasure trove of artistic
 endeavors through the ages of humankind. This is a bounty of 
illustrated information that carries anyone -- teacher, student, parent, 
curious individual, (anyone!) through the ages of time through the 
study of art. The author brings decades of experience to this treatise 
and makes the whole process straightforward and enlivened. Even the 
nuts and bolts of developing the main lesson book as an accomplished
 textbook by the student is explained and used to illustrate the tremendous
 and rewarding task of bringing the young into a serious, joyful study of
the arts. The students' artwork is breathtaking as an illustration of what
 young high schoolers can produce when inspired to record history through art.

Teaching Art History | Waldorf PublicationsTeaching Art History | Waldorf Publications




ISBN :9781943582655


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