Rainbows, Halos, Dawn and Dusk, 詩書坊


Rainbows, Halos, Dawn and Dusk

Rainbows, Halos, Dawn and Dusk

The Appearance of Color in the Atmosphere and Goethe's Theory of Colors


This book explores the captivating colors that appear in Earth’s atmosphere—coronas, glories, halos, rainbows, dawn, and dusk. It invites the reader to observe these ephemeral appearances with renewed attention and understanding. In addition, it introduces us to little-known key experiences in Goethe’s life that were intimately related to his scientific pursuits and his deep experience of color. 

Following the holistic phenomenological method developed by Goethe in his theory of colors, this book bridges the expanse between human experience and the physics of atmospheric colors. The unfolding descriptions take on an artistic quality, through which our experience of the color phenomena is deepened as our scientific insight becomes enriched. 

This book will prove helpful to scientists looking for a fresh approach to optics or an introduction to Goethe’s phenomenological science; to teachers looking for new ways to present optics lessons; and to anyone who loves colors and wishes to deepen their relationship to them. 

Originally published in German in 2011 as Höfe, Regenbögen, Dämmerung

頁數 182頁
備註   ISBN: 9780932776488
1 x 大塔扣包
1 x A Lifetime of Joy
1 x Awakening Intelligence
1 x Creative Pathways
1 x Eurythmy and Rudolf Steiner
1 x 優律司美作為可視的歌唱(BC-173)(簡體書)
1 x Let’s Talk, Let’s Play
1 x 中束口包
1 x A Handbook for Steiner-Waldorf Class Teachers
1 x Ancient Mythologies
1 x Festivals of the Year
1 x Earth, Water, Fire, and Air-新版
1 x Michael-Mystery
1 x A Student's Workbook for Mathematics in Class 6
1 x Active Arithmetic(Movement and Mathematics Teaching )
1 x Eurythmy and the Impulse of Dance-需預訂
1 x 藍染花布白玫瑰肩背包
1 x The Zodiac Gestures in Eurythmy
1 x Eurythmy Forms for Tone Eurythmy
1 x 大棉襖包
2 x Eurythmy for the Elementary Grades
1 x Eurythmy as Visible Singing預訂
1 x Ancient Rome
1 x 藍染花布春響肩背包
1 x Everyday Eurythmy
1 x 藍染花布燈籠包
1 x 植物染棉布大提(肩)包
1 x Let's Dance and Sing : Story Games for Children
1 x 藍染印花多層次收納包
1 x 小魚刺繡包
1 x 藍染花布抽繩大貝殼包
1 x A Practical Guide to Curative Education
1 x 心花朵朵手提包
1 x Ancient Greece
1 x A Study Companion to An Outline of Esoteric Science
1 x Eurythmy as Visible Speech
1 x At the Rainbow Puppet Theatre of the Constantia Waldorf School
1 x Therapeutic Eurythmy for the Eyes
1 x Child's Play 3
1 x Eurythmy: A Creative Force in Humanity(預訂)
1 x Therapeutic Eurythmy for Children
1 x Foundations of Curative Eurythmy
1 x Let's Dance and Sing!(WECAN版)
1 x 養育健康的孩子
2 x A Gift of Wonder
1 x 治療優律思美(BC-174)(簡體書)
1 x 教出健康的孩子(原書名:教育即療愈)
1 x Dancing Hand, Trotting Pony
1 x A Modern Art of Education
1 x A Path of Encounter
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