The Breathing Circle-預訂, 詩書坊


The Breathing Circle-預訂

The Breathing Circle-預訂
作者  Nell Smyth
英文說明 Early childhood educators know that children love to be part of
a learning circle. "Circle time" is an essential ingredient of
Waldorf education. Circles offer participation in a larger whole
and can foster the development of key sensory and
neuromuscular faculties.

Nell Smyth developed "The Breathing Circle" techniques to help
develop greater learning potential, to help integrate sensory and
motor activities, and to help young children venture more freely
into the social world while feeling fully grounded in body and mind.
"Our breath lives in the realm of movement. The quality
of our breath changes, deepening and becoming more
substantial through enjoyable movement. Different
qualities of movement affect intimately how we breathe.
As our breath flows more freely, the breath rhythm can
come into greater balance. When this starts to take
place, we can become refreshed and reinvigorated,
feel more integrated and more aware of the boundary
between ourselves and the rest of the world in which
we participate. To breathe more deeply is to be more
present and to be more present is to be awake with
more resources available for learning." (from the introduction)
頁數 224頁
備註  ISBN: 1903458641

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