How to Know Higher Worlds-預訂, 詩書坊


How to Know Higher Worlds-預訂

How to Know Higher Worlds-預訂
作者 A Modern Path of Initiation
Written in 1904-1905 (CW 10)
Rudolf Steiner,
Foreword by Arthur Zajonc,
Translated by Christopher Bamford

This is the classic account of the modern Western esoteric path
of initiation made public by Steiner in 1904. He begins with the
premise that he capacities by which we can gain insights into
the higher worlds lie dormant within each one of us.?Steiner
carefully and precisely leads the reader from the cultivation of
the fundamental soul attitudes of reverence and inner tranquility
to the development of inner life through the stages of preparation,
illumination, and initiation.

Steiner provides practical exercises of inner and outer observation
and moral development. By patiently and persistently following his
guidelines, new rgans?of soul and spirit begin to form, which
reveal the contours of the higher worlds thus far concealed from us.

Steiner in this important work becomes a teacher, a counselor,
and a friend whose advice is practical, clear, and effective. The
challenges we face in life require increasingly deeper levels of
understanding, and Steiner text helps readers to cultivate the
capacities for such insights and places them at the service of humanity.

This is Steiner most essential guide to the modern path of
initiation he advocated throughout his life. It has been translated
into many languages and has inspired hundreds of thousands of
readers around the world. How to Know Higher Worlds has been
admired by some of the most brilliant minds of our time.


  • Foreword by Arthur Zajonc
  • Prefaces by Rudolf Steiner
  • How to Know Higher Worlds
  • The Stages of Initiation
  • Initiation
  • Practical Considerations
  • Requirements for Esoteric Training
  • Some Effects of Initiation
  • Changes in the Dream Life of the Esoteric Student
  • Achieving Continuity of Consciousness
  • The Splitting of the Personality in Esoteric Training
  • The Guardian of the Threshold
  • Life and Death: The Great Guardian of the Threshold
  • Epilogue (1918)
  • Afterword by Arthur Zajonc
  • Index
頁數 288頁
備註  ISBN:0880103728

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