Little Red Riding Hood, 詩書坊


Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood
出版社 Bell Pond Books


Along with the Bible and Shakespeare, Grimms?fairy tales rank among
the best selling literature of the Western world. And Little Red Riding Hood
is perhaps the best known story of the Grimms brothers' collection. What
accounts for such popularity? Like all of the Grimms' fairy tales, the
characters in this story led us to discover the treasures in our own souls.

Philosophies, artistic styles, and religious conventions change with thim,
but this tale has endured for centuries. In our modern age, with our emphasis
on science and technology, a wolf speaking and eating the old grandma and
Red Riding Hood seem to be drawn from the depths of a remote and
superstitious past. More sensitive souls such as Goethe, Rudolf Steiner,
C. G. Jung, and Bruno Bettlelheim, however, have all recognized that true
fairy tales are not merely arbitrary fantasies or folk imaginations. They were
aware that deep meaning shines through all genuine fairy tales.

The girl emergesThe great German poet, Novalis, once said that fairy tales re prophetic,
idealistic, and inevitable, all in one.... I believe that in a fairy tale I can best
express my mood of soul. Everything is a fairy tale.?Fairy tales should be
told to children with out explanation. Children relate quite naturally with the
inner significance of the story. They absorb the language of the imaginations
and feel connected with it in a truly intimate way. Any interpretation is
unnecessary and would be quite a mistake. Emotionally involved with a
given tale, the young child imagination should not be disturbed; it is
always intrusive to make conscious what a child wishes to keep preconscious.

For teachers and parents, however, it is always worthwhile to become
conscious of the soul and spiritual qualities behind the story. In this way,
tales can be told or read to children with much more conviction and charm.
One will see that such tales are not fantastic or beautiful and poetic lies but
express the great soul wisdom of the heart that knows more than the head
will admit.

In his insightful commentary, Andrew Flaxman helps us understand the deeper
meaning behind this story and fairy tales in general.

Patricia DeLisa brings us a beautifully illustrated and important contribution to
the literature of fairy tales.

Grandma's House







頁數 32頁

Illustrated by Patricia DeLisa,
Commentary by Andrew Flaxman


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