The Harmony of the Human Body, 詩書坊

NT$1,700 NT$1,490

The Harmony of the Human Body

The Harmony of the Human Body
作者 Musical Principles in Human Physiology
Armin Husemann, M.D.

Here is an in-depth exploration of the cosmic origins of human beings and
the evolutionary laws that govern human development.

Dr. Armin Husemann applies musical principles as a way to understand the structure
of the human body and the forces that affect it. He utilizes our experience of music and
explain the physiological and anatomical relationships within the body, while illuminating
the spiritual influences that determine physical development.

Drawing on artistic exercises established by Rudolf Steiner for developing a better
understanding of these influences, the author explores the cosmic origins of human
beings and the evolutionary laws that govern our development.

頁數 256頁

ISBN: 978086315808

**此特惠價格僅限網路下訂,謝謝。 **


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1 x Stockmar-16色蠟筆(鐵盒)
1 x An English Manual
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (12號-紫)
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1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (04號-金黃)
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1 x 天使/精靈木人-#21A(W-003)
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1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (02號-紅)
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1 x Stockmar-32色蠟筆(紙盒)
1 x A Psychology of Human Dignity
1 x 木 鈴鐺(W-010)
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