Snow White and Rose Red, 詩書坊


Snow White and Rose Red

Snow White and Rose Red
作者 A Grimms' Fairy Tale
Brothers Grimm,
Illustrated by Denise Marshall

Snow White and Rose Red

Devoted sisters and forever friends,
Snow White and Rose Red
are as lovely and sweet as the
delicate flowers that inspired their

"One evening, as they were sitting
comfortably together, someone
knocked on the door as if he wanted
to be let in. The mother said,
'Quickly, Rose Red, open the door;
it must be a traveler seeking
shelter.' Rose Red went at once to
the door and pushed back the
bolt. She was sure that it was
going to be some poor soul, but it
wasn't at all. It was a big shaggy
bear, and he stretched his broad,
brown head right through the

"'Don't be afraid; I will not harm you!
I am half-frozen from the cold,
and only want to warm myself
a little beside your fire...." "

A strange story soon unfolds. Will the girls help the bear...even if it
means risking the wrath of a wicked dwarf? This imaginative tale
by the Grimm brothers is filled with rich imagery, surprise and adventure.

In this Enchantmints Studio edition, a timeless Grimm Brothers tale
springs to life with the lush illustrations of Denise Marshall.

Snow White and Rose Red is the perfect gift for the little one in your
life. Also a great book for early readers!

(Ages 6-9)

頁數 28頁
備註  ISBN: 9780880105910,硬皮封面,全彩印刷十分精美

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