Sunflower Houses-預訂, 詩書坊


Sunflower Houses-預訂

Sunflower Houses-預訂


“Once you care about gardens, birds, bugs, and flowers,” says author Sharon Lovejoy, “you will never have a boring day. Even the tiniest experience can seem like a miracle.” As if this weren’t reason enough to introduce children to the burgeoning life of a garden, Lovejoy has given us a book (actually, two books – you’ll want to see her Hollyhock Days also) packed with all manner of simple pleasures and treats. Make clover chains, maple seed spectles, firefly lanterns. Have you ever checked your watch when the Four O’Clocks bloomed? Made a teepee from runner beans, morning glories or sunflowers? Hundreds more delights and diversions are gathered together in this book which will make gardening a joyous adventure for the young and the young-at-heart.


頁數 144頁
備註  ISBN: 9780761123866

1 x Whispey
1 x 有機棉-布衛生棉組
1 x New Life – Mother and Child
1 x 女士木人(H-009-4)
1 x The Boundaries of Natural Science預訂
1 x 6股手縫棉線
1 x Education for Special Needs
1 x 白色羊毛氈布(小)(H-136)
1 x 繪本 : 松鼠先生和月亮(簡體書)
1 x Cinderella
1 x Kinesthetic Learning for Adolescents
1 x Ancient Mythologies
1 x 竹製勾針(12支/組)(T-009)
1 x Creative Felt: Felting and Making More Toys and Gifts預訂
1 x 藍染花布抽繩大貝殼包
1 x The Calendar of the Soul-A Commentary預訂
1 x Charlie's Magical Carnival
1 x 12色天然蜂蜜蠟土/特惠/
1 x 植物染棉布大提(肩)包
1 x BD學者Dennis Klocek談BD(B-306)
1 x 大塔扣包
1 x Gymnastic Education
1 x 藍染印花多層次收納包
1 x Festivals of the Year
1 x The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
1 x 大木人#20(W-001)
1 x 從正常到健康-意識解放之路(BC-008)(簡體書)
1 x Movement for the Young Child
1 x The Yule Tomte and the Little Rabbits
1 x 家庭工作者的靈性任務(簡體書)(BC-015)
1 x 日本100%羊毛線-深藍
1 x Lifeways
1 x 彈性繃帶- 3/8吋寛(碼)(H-062)
1 x 藍染花布肩背包
1 x Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts
1 x CHOROI七音笛(無笛片)
1 x Andando Caminos: Teaching Spanish in Waldorf Schools
1 x 天然木棉-小包裝(cotton-001)
1 x 色彩精靈
1 x Nature's Open Secret
1 x Art and Human Consciousness
1 x Everyday Eurythmy
1 x An Illustrated Treasury of Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales
1 x Anthroposophic Medicine and Therapies for Cancer
1 x 以一種光的視角看兒童畫(簡體書)
1 x 里拉琴-琴弦 / e" /
2 x Autumn Songbook
1 x 媽媽木人II(W-002-1)預定
1 x Harvest Story
1 x Children's Destinies
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-蜜桃色(一碼)H-012
1 x An Outline of Esoteric Science預訂
1 x Poems for Younger Children
1 x Stockmar-16色蠟筆(鐵盒)
1 x 蝶谷巴特拼貼材料包-筆袋款
1 x 你不是孤單一個人(簡體書)
1 x Stockmar-32色蠟磚(紙盒)
2 x 整體視角下的營養學方法(簡體書)(BC-029)
1 x 營養
1 x 世界經濟(簡體書)(BC-003)
1 x 喚醒意志的自我教育之路(簡體書)(BC-034)
1 x 窗花紙(日本絲綢紙)16*16cm (20色共240張)(H-126)
1 x 8色天然蜂蜜蠟土/組
1 x Creative Form Drawing with Children Aged 6-10 Years(平裝)
1 x Colour, Healing, and the Human Soul
1 x Lavender's Blue Dilly Dilly
1 x [二手]麻球玩布日記
1 x 手工水彩架+6罐(含蓋)(H-133)
1 x A Guide to Child Health(第四版)
1 x Stockmar 8色蠟筆(鐵盒)- 基本配色
1 x An Unknown Destiny-預訂
1 x 色彩書(BC-093)
1 x 大木人(組) /25入(W-001-1)
1 x Observing Nature's Secret預訂
1 x 德國史都曼 Stockmar蠟筆-單色/支 (25號-金色)
1 x 小天使(片)(H-008-17)
1 x Let’s Talk, Let’s Play
1 x Universe of the Human Body預訂
1 x 羊毛針(wool-010)
1 x 小靈魂與地球(中英雙語版)
1 x 媽媽木人(Angel Peg Doll)W-002
1 x 娃娃針 收納筒(大)(H-033)
1 x Birth and Breastfeeding
1 x 面向未來的社區(簡體書)(BC-012)
1 x 探索華德福高中之路(簡體書)(BC-002)
1 x A Year in Our New Garden
2 x Stockmar-8色蠟磚+8色蠟筆(鐵盒)
1 x 彈性布(臉布)-有機棉Fair(一碼)(H-077-3)
1 x Goethean Science
1 x Drawing from the Book of Nature
1 x 磁針盒(附針組)(H-063)
1 x Eurythmy and the Impulse of Dance-需預訂
1 x Children and Their Temperaments
1 x Beautiful Paper Stars
1 x The Midsummer Tomte and the Little Rabbits
1 x 超值優惠/鐘紡毛海系列 6623 (捲)(wool-045)
1 x Biography and Waldorf Education
1 x Peter Selg談 魯道夫史代納的意圖
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