Cosmic and Human Metamorphosis, 詩書坊


Cosmic and Human Metamorphosis

Cosmic and Human Metamorphosis
出版社 SteinerBooks
作為縮影我們是實際上的一部分,和對主題、 同一法律的宇宙人,正如我們所繪製的呼吸是受我們自己人的本性......如果我們的心是敏感的宇宙存在的秘密,不只是塊木頭,字,我們沒有放入宇宙將不再是一個抽象的語句。我們將充分意識到這一事實。知識和感覺將彈簧內我們,其成果將在我們意願衝動出生,和我們整個人類將生活在齊聲同偉大的人生中,神聖的宇宙的存在。魯道夫 · 史代納


In this important series of lectures,

Rudolf Steiner lays out for Society members right and wrong ways of establishing

connections with those who have died. Rather than following the materialistic

desire to draw those who have died back into the physical realm,

Steiner presents a means toward true spiritual union through strengthening one

forces of consciousness. He also showed how help is provided from the sphere of Christ

activity as a balance for our time. Steiner stated:

ne who sees into the deeper meaning intended by our spiritual science

recognizes in it not merely theoretical knowledge about all sorts of human problems,

the members of the human being, reincarnation and karma,

but one looks in it for an entirely different language,

a way to express oneself in regard to spiritual matters.

The fact that we learn through spiritual science to speak inwardly in our thoughts

with the spiritual world is far more important than acquiring theoretical ideas.

The Christ is with us even until the end of the world. It is his language that we must learn.

This book is a translation (translator unknown)

of 7 lectures from Bausteine zu einer Erkenntnis

des Mysteriums von Golgatha.

Kosmische und menschliche Metamorphose

("Building Blocks for an Understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha:

Cosmic and Human Metamorphoses") 17 lectures, GA 175.

頁數 135



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