I Am Different from You, 詩書坊


I Am Different from You

I Am Different from You
Peter Selg was born in 1963 in Stuttgart and studied medicine in Witten-Herdecke, Zurich, and Berlin. Until 2000, he worked as the head physician of the juvenile psychiatry department of Herdecke hospital in Germany. Dr. Selg is now director of the Ita Wegman Institute for Basic Research into Anthro計osophy (Arlesheim, Switzerland) and professor of medicine at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences (Germany). He lectures extensively and is the author of numerous books, including Seeing Christ in Sickness and Healing (2005); The Thera計eutic Eye (2008); A Grand Metamorphosis; (2008); The Figure of Christ (2009); Rudolf Steiner as a Spiritual Teacher (2010); and Rudolf Steiner and the Fifth Gospel (2010). He is maried with five children.
出版社  SteinerBooks

In many of his lectures to teachers on education, Rudolf Steiner called attention to a significant but often overlooked change in the way children experience themselves and the world that occurs in the middle of childhood, in the ninth or tenth year. here comes a time when children show, not in what they say but in their whole behavior, that they are struggling with a question or a number of questions that indicates a crisis in their soul life. It is a very subtle experience for the child that requires an equally subtle response.�

In this deep and concise book, Peter Selg illuminates this momentous phenomenon in child development, this ramatic change� in the child consciousness. Though it is ardly noticeable� to the observer, Steiner reveals that children during this time in life experience a sudden inner instability, a loss of the foundation they felt had been naturally supporting and carrying them. It is a crisis that pediatric psychologists and psychiatrists know well, as many fears and weaknesses that rise to the surface later, in adolescence, can be traced back to this subtle event. Parents and educators need to know what to say and how to act, because their response at this time will be crucial for the child entire life. Through Rudolf Steiner profound wisdom of children's inner essence, adults can learn to give them the experience of being carried by a strong and sure relationship:

When children cross the Rubicon between the ninth and tenth year without that feeling, something will be lacking in their later life, and they will have to struggle to attain what they should have received naturally at that moment in childhood.
I Am Different from You is a vital book for all parents and teachers to readell before the crisis in the middle of childhoodo recognize what is necessary to support children during this decisive event in the right way.
頁數 120 pages
備註  ISBN: 9780880106580

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1 x Color:Its Relationship to Soul and Spirit
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1 x A Lifetime of Joy
1 x Dancing as We Sing(含CD)(B-003)
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